SFBG Radio

SFBG Radio: How did Obama fail?


Today Johnny and Tim talk about the end of Meg Whitman, the Tea Party’s influence and why Obama let himself get so vulnerable. Listen after the jump.

sfbgradio 10/29/2010 by endorsements2010

Sfbg Radio: Sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll


You want to save the American economy? Try legalizing sex, drugs and roc ‘n’ roll. That’s Johnny’s proposal. listen up after the jump.

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SFBG Radio: Old ladies love prop 19


In today’s episode, Johnny talks about the conservative old ladies at the gym who hate the drug war and love Prop 19. Listen after the jump.

SFBG Radio 10.25.10 by endorsements2010

sfbg radio: the jobs picture


Today Johnny talks to economist Johnny Venom about the jobs picture. Listen after the jump.

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SFBG Rado: Fuck the FCC


In today’s episode, we ask: What the fuck is up with the FCC — and who really cares these days what language you use on broadcast radio? Check it out after the jump.

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SFBG Radio: No New Deal


In today’s episode, we discuss why Abama is not FDR, why he’s refusing to do what has to be done to put Americans to work — and why that’s his real political liability. Listen after the jump.

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SFBG Radio: a WPA for musicians


Today we talk about jobs, the economy — and why Obama should create a WPA for musicians. Listen after the break.

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SFBG Radio: The Whitman-Brown debate


Today we look at last night’s debate, at Meg v. Jerry, at Gavin v. Abel, at why such a sorry crew are running for Lt. Gov — and why it’s so hard for independent candidates to run for statewide office. Listen after the jump.

sfbgradio10/13/2010 by endorsements2010

SFBG Radio: Explaining the state props


Today we talk through all the state propositions — the good, the bad and the truly evil. Listen to the conversation, and pick up some advice on how you might want to vote, after the jump.


sfbgradio10/11/2010 by endorsements2010

SFBG Radio: The market’s up, but jobs are down


So if the unemployment rate keeps going up, and the recession is in full swing, why is the stock market doing so well — and what does that say about American politics? Check out out after the jump.

sfbgradio1082010 by endorsements2010

SFBG Radio: A modest (boycott) proposal


In today’s episode, Johnny puts forth a modest proposal. Plenty of big American companies are sitting on piles of cash right now, money they’ve made in part because they aren’t hiring anyone. Of course, businesses don’t exist to create jobs, they exist to make money — but consumers ought to have a say, too. So Johnny suggests that we all boycott big companies that have lots of money on hand, but refuse to spend it in a productive way — that is, by hiring people. You can listen to his proposal after the jump.

sfbgradio10/6/2010 by endorsements2010

SFBG Radio: Is the Republican Party a cult?


In today’s epidsode, Johnny and Tim talk about the showdown in Fresno, the Dream Act — and whether the Republican Party has become a cult. Listen after the jump.

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SFBG Radio: Whitman’s immigration problem


Today Johnny and Tim talk about why Meg Whitman won’t recover from her immigration problems — and whether the roomate who drove a gay college student to suicide should wind up in prison. Listen up after the break.

sfbgradio1012010 by endorsements2010

Sfbg Radio: The debate and the wealth gap


In today’s episode, Johnny and Tim deconstruct the Whitman-Brown debate — and talk about how the gap between the rich and the poor is so unsustainable that it’s taking the nation down a very dangerous road. Check it out after the jump.

sfbgradio9292010 by endorsements2010

SFBG Radio: The GOP and fear of the “other”


Today Johnny and Tim talk about the bill that the Democrats are using to fight back against Republican nonsense — and why the GOP is all about scaring white people. You can listen after the break.

sfbgradio9272010 by endorsements2010

SFBG Radio: In praise of sluts


Today, Johnny and Tim talk about all the fuss that the Guardian’s cover on hot sluts has stirred up — and Johnny goes off in praise of sluts, sex, and nice asses. You can listen after the jump.

sfbgradio9/24/2010 by endorsements2010

SFBG Radio: Whitman and death


Today we ask some questions: With Whitman behind in the polls, is there any chance she could win? And why did the state just spend more than $800,000 building a new death chamber? Listen after the jump.

sfbgradio9/22/2010 by endorsements2010

SFBG Radio: The recession’s not over


Today Johnny and Tim talk about the fact that only 5 percent of the people who lost their jobs in the recession have found new jobs. The receession’s over? My ass. Listen after the jump.

sfbgradio9/21/2010 by endorsements2010

SFBG Radio: Poverty rising and the price of despair


Today we talk about the new data that shows one in seven Americans now live in poverty — and why the rich ought to be willing to pay more taxes. You can listen after the jump.

sfbgradio9.17.2010 by endorsements2010

SFBG Radio: The $119 million question


In today’s episode, Johnny and Tim ask the $119 million question: How come after Meg Whitman has spent a fortune on advertising, she still isn’t ahead? And nobody knows who exactly is going to vote in November, either. Listen after the jump.

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SFBG Radio: PG&E and 9/11


In today’s episode, Tim talks about how PG&E blew up San Bruno — and Johnny complains about 9/11 symbolism. You can listen after the jump.

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SFBG Radio: Korans, small business, and the next gov


In today’s episode, Johnny and Tim talk about the news of the day — the Florida Koran burning, the Senate and Obama’s small business bill, and the state of the next head of the state. You can listen after the jump.

sfbgradio9/9/2010 by endorsements2010

SFBG Radio: Why voters should think like junkies


Today we talk about a different approach to politics: Why voters should think like junkies. Johnny’s got a good argument here — your typical junkie is a lot more cynical about people trying to sell him something than the typical voter who listens to Glenn Beck. Oh, and why is that preacher in Florida going to burn a stack of Korans? Any junkie could figure out that it’s all about making a fast buck. You can hear the discussion after the jump.

sfbgradio9/7/2010 by endorsements2010

SFBG Radio: Johnny’s had it with Obama


The economy’s not getting any better, we still have 50,000 troops in Iraq, and the Democrats are in serious trouble this fall — because they refuse to act like Democrats. That’s why Johnny’s had it with Barack Obama (though Tim says the Dems are still better than the alternative ….) Listen to the ranting and raving after the jump.


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