SFBG Radio

SFBG Radio: Why is Reagan still an icon?


In Republican land, Ronald Reagan is still such an icon that when his son’s book raises questions about whether he was mentally competant to be president, the GOP squawk machine goes into overdrive. But as Johnny and Tim discuss on today’s show, Reagan wouldn’t get elected to anything in today’s Republican Party — he raised taxes. 

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SFBG Radio: Truth and MLK Day


Today Johnny and Tim talk about how Martn Luther King Jr. Day celebrations tend to ignore the history of the civil rights leader who was also a progressive on labor and economic issues — and an outspoken opponent of the Vietnam war. Listen after the jump. 

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SFBG Radio: A split decison for Jerry Brown


In today’s episode, we look at Jerry Brown’s first week in office — and give him an A for perception and a weak C for reality. Listen after the jump.

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SFBG Radio: Why is Sarah Palin whining?


It’s not bad enough that Sarah Palin is trying to take advantage of the tragedy in Tucson; she’s also complaining that she’s a victim. Johnny and Tim talk about how odd this is after the jump.

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SFBG Radio: Are conservatives brain damaged?


Well, maybe not damaged — but Johnny talks about the new evidence that the brains of right wingers are different from those of other people. You can listen after the jump.

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SFBG Radio: Schwarzenegger’s bad pardon


So you thought Johnny was always mad; you ain’t seen nothing. Today he’s furious that the outgoing gov cut the prison sentence of a killer who happened to be the son of another prominent politician — while thousands of nonviolent inmates are rotting in prison. You can listen after the jump.


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SFBG Radio: The year in review


In today’s episode, Johnny and Tim talk about the crazy year that was 2010. Listen after the jump.

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SFBG Radio: Why the rich won’t flee


Every time I talk about taxing the rich, some cretin comments and tells me that if you raise their taxes, they’ll all leave California. I’ve heard the same thin about businesses — and there is no factual evidence to support that. Johnny and I talk about this lunacy after the break.

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SFBG Radio: Can Callifornia wake up?


In today’s episode, we talk about Jerry Brown’s challenge: Can the new old governor wake the state out of a California dream that has become utterly unconnected to reality? Check it out after the jump.

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SFBG Radio: What will Jerry do?


When Jerry Brown goes to UCLA to talk about education, what’s he going to say? How’s he going to promote the UC system when he’s facing a $25 billion budget crisis? Johnny and Tim talk abou that (and the Obama health care law and a few other things) after the jump.

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SFBG Radio: In praise of Pelosi


Not words you hear around here too often, but today we say: Pelosi’s doing exactly the right thing holding the line on tax cuts for the rich. So what happens next? We’ll fill you in after the break.

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SFBG Radio: The death drug, Obama’s failure and more


In today’s episode, we talk about California’s strange adventures with the death drug — and why the Obama presidency is at stake in the tax debate. Check it out after the jump.

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SFBG Radio: After the Prop. 8 hearing


Today our crack team of legal analysts (that is, Tim and Johnny) discuss the meaning of the Prop. 8 hearing, what comes next and why there’s really only one outcome for this debate. Listen up after the jump.

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SFBG Radio: From Wikileaks to class warfare


In today’s episode, we talk about Wikileaks, why there’s more outrage about embarassing leaks than about really dangerous leaks — and why everybody’s so afraid of talking about class warfare. Cuz we aren’t. Listen up after the jump.


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SFBG Radio: He won’t be back — grading Arnold


In today’s episode, we talk about the outgoing governor, and how to grade his record. Hint: When you think of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s legacy, does anything of substance come to mind (except financial disaster)? Anything? Listen after the break

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SFBG Radio: No austerity for the rich


Everyone’s talking about austerity these days, from the prime minister of Ireland to the president of the United States, who wants to freeze wages for federal workers. But somehow, there’s one class of people who aren’t facing any austerity at all. Funny thing about that. Check out the discussion after the jump.

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SFBG Radio: Beyond body scans and patdowns


Today we talk about the anger over full-body scans and patdowns at airports — and why the critics are missing the point. Body scans are far less intrusive than the sort of data mining, wiretaps and assaults on personal privacy that go on every single day in both the public and private sector. Listen after the jump.

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SFBG Radio: The matador and the bull


Today we talk about the American public, the bull that has been slashed and stuck with knives and abused by the matador that is the ruling class, and Johnny asks: When is the bull going to stop falling for that dumb red cape trick and start to fight back? You can listen after the jump.

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SFBG Radio: The next counterculture


Today, Johnny’s got the apolitical blues, so we talk about the next counterculture — and why it might not come from San Francisco. Check it out after the jump.

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SFBG Radio: The next step for weekly newspapers


Today we talk about the future of weekly newspapers — what’s the role of a weekly in an era of 24-hour news cycles? And how will weeklies make money in the digital era? Listen after the jump.

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SFBG Radio: The great political disconnect


In today’s episode, we ask: If the polls show that some 75 percent of the American people think Congress ought to raise taxes on the rich and cut defense spending, why doesn’t either party talk about it seriously? Listen after the jump.

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SFBG Radio: How ugly are the next two years?


In today’s episode, we talk about how ugly the next two years are going to be — and why Obama absolutely, positively must let the Bust tax cuts for the rich expire. Listen after the jump.

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SFBG Radio: The election bloodbath


Today Johnny and Tim talk about Congress — what happened, and why, and how (and whether) Obama can turn things around. Check it out after the jump.

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SFBG Radio: Will the Democrats get the message?


In today’s episode, Johnny talks about his frustration with the Democrats and asks: Are they getting the message? And Tim  argues that we need to vote Democratic anyway … Listen after the jump.

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