The Daily Blurgh: Blue in the face, Twain lives

Pub date May 24, 2010
WriterMatt Sussman
SectionPixel Vision

Curiosities, quirks, oddites, and items from around the Bay and beyond

Blue is beautiful, but Yves Klein’s International Klein Blue is especially so. Local experts explain why.


John Mark Karr, who falsely confessed to the murder of JonBenet Ramsey in 1996, is back the news. This time, he is the subject of, “an unofficial nationwide manhunt,” in the face of allegations that he, “has been trying to create a cult of JonBenet Ramsey lookalikes he is calling ‘the Immaculates’ — blond girls as young as 4 years old with small feet — and has been threatening harm to one of the girls, whom he used to recruit others and who escaped from his influence.” Yikes! And the topper: Karr claims to have had sex reassignment surgery within the past two years.


Mark Twain’s autobiographical writings to be released after century-long wait.


Small mammal fossils excavated around Shasta County demonstrate that climate change has impacted biodiversity for thousands of years.


Jews for Jesus founder (and SF resident) Moishe Rosen dies at 78.

People on poppers.