The Daily Blurgh: A final Scopitone (well, two) for you

Pub date May 7, 2010
WriterMatt Sussman
SectionPixel Vision

As Scopitone Week draws to a close on the Daily Blurgh, I wanted to save the best for last. Behold, the curvaceous wonder that is Joi Lansing, Queen of Scopitone.

As Wikipedia tells us, “A model and actress, Lansing was often cast in roles similar to those played by her contemporaries, Jayne Mansfield and Mamie Van Doren. She was frequently clad in skimpy costumes and bikinis that accentuated her attractive figure, but never posed nude.”

And what costumes they are!  Here’s a double-shot of Miss Lansing to jump-start your weekend.

“Web of Love”

and “The Silencer”