The Daily Blurgh: Whither Grindr, Kitty Boots?

Pub date April 13, 2010
WriterMatt Sussman
SectionPixel Vision

Curiosities, quirks, oddites, and items from around the Bay and beyond

“Call before you come over, I need to shave my ShoCha.”


That breathless traipse around Land’s End really is about (re)fighting the Battle of the Bulge


All I found in my college dumpster was some stale ciabbatta and empty beer bottles: “Students at Cal State Stanislaus have discovered evidence that documents related to an upcoming speaking engagement by Sarah Palin were shredded and dumped after the university claimed that no public documents existed, a state senator said on Tuesday.” Willful destruction follows her everywhere.

Maybe part of that cool $12 million Sarah Palin has reportedly raked in since quitting her governorship is hush money from venues too embarrassed to admit they’ve booked her.

Attention dude-seeking-dudes with iPhones: “Grindr is pretty much just for Victorian ladies now,” sayeth Rod Townsend. (Everyone’s moved on to other “games of chance.”)


Shocker: actress actually talented at something other than acting.

And finally, every cat looks better in boots.