3.26 million ways to reuse your Prop. G fliers

Pub date May 29, 2008
WriterSarah Phelan
SectionPolitics Blog

As Prop. F supporters continue to liven up their shoestring campaign with dance, debate and rap songs,
yet another huge question is looming over the Prop. G campaign: What is San Francisco going to do about all the glossy Prop. G fliers that are choking up mailboxes citywide?

Since the Lennar-financed Prop. G campaign has already spent over $3.26 million to try and influence the June 3 vote, how about helping find 3.26 million ways to reuse the Prop. G mailers? (ways that don’t involve burning them, tempting as that may be, since that would make air quality worse)

We came up with the first three.

1. Wallpaper to cover the mold in your non-luxury dwelling.
2. Materials for your 2008 Halloween costume.
3. A year’s supply of bird cage liner.