Will Gavin debate with Tony Hall out of race?

Pub date August 31, 2007
WriterSarah Phelan
SectionPolitics Blog

by Sarah Phelan

While apparently not available for debating, Gavin has been spotted in City Hall like at this Aug. 14 event where he posed with a pretty unidentified brunette.

The day after former supervisor Tony Hall dropped out of the mayoral race, he told me that in the three weeks that
has passed since he filed to run, his campaign offered to meet Newsom, “in any format to have an intelligent informed debate,” but to no avail.

The Guardian has offered to sponsor a debate, but so far Newsom’s camp has not replied to our request.

Newsom’s campaign manager Eric Jaye was quoted in today’s Chronicle as saying Newsom will participate in debates with the other candidates– a promise Jaye also made to us three weeks ago.

Meanwhile, Hall denies that his decision to drop out was connected to a City’s Ethics Commission investigation into allegations that he misused thousands of dollars in contributions to his 2004 re-election campaign, when he was District 7 supervisor.