Jessica Lanyadoo

Psychic Dream Astrology: Oct 8-14, 2014


Mercury is still retrograde and there’s a lunar eclipse on the 8th. Expect high intensity! It’s time to change or be changed, folks.


March 21-April 19

Don’t overcompensate for your intense feelings by acting defensively, Aries. If you feel wicked emotional that’s because of the serious Lunar eclipse in your sign; be brave enough to confront your emotions, not other people, or to explain away what you feel. Clarity will come through your heart, not your head this week.


April 20-May 20

You’ve got to take a leap, Taurus. There is no path that is safe from risk, and no matter what you do, you will incur consequences. Instead of obsessing on details, ask yourself what the most wonderful gamble would be for you to take- and then take it! You’re on the verge of something great this week.


May 21-June 21

You’re overwhelmed and you need to call your limits, Gemini. You may feel like you’re running out of time and you have to do it all right now, but the truth is if you screw things up because you’re half cocked, then you’ll really have wasted your time. Prioritize and take things step by step this week.


June 22-July 22

If you look outside of yourself for answers you will continue to have this awful anxiety, Moonchild. The lunar eclipse on the 8th may feel like it’s breaking your brain, but it’s really trying to set you free. Be true to yourself above your fears and honor your heart above your head. Be brave and heartfelt this week.


July 23-Aug. 22

With the lunar eclipse on the 8th you will have some very real relationship issues to contend with, Leo. Flush out your intentions before you confront people to make the best of this momentous energy. Be honest about what’s driving you because you’re in a great place to transform dynamics that aren’t working.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Do not force your will on others or get so attached to your vision of how you think things should be that you cannot see the beauty in what is. Your ego runs the risk of getting in your way, Virgo, so be on the lookout. Being too rational and reasonable can be a fancy way of not accepting where you’re at, pal.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

If you’re not scared you’re not paying attention. This week your greatest desires are demanding to be felt, and the drive to have what you really-super want is as terrifying as it is exciting. Take a steady approach to what you feel destabilized about and tackle your fears en route to your dreams.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

You aren’t meant to take on other people’s energies, even though you are so very good at it. There’s helluv crazy vibes out there, and if you’re not careful you’ll feel like you’re drowning in them. If you feel off, make sure it’s for a good reason. You may need to take a time-out from people to get grounded this week.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Embrace your vulnerabilities, Sag. There are so many high emotions racing around you (some your own, some belonging to others) that it would be easy to become reactive and make a big deal of minor malfunctions. Let things play out and don’t act on every feeling you have this week.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

You just have to choose to be happy, Cappy; that’s it. It doesn’t matter if you have to break up with your date, cash in your 401K, or eat your cat’s organic Meow Mix, it’s your time to finally stop indulging in dancing with the Devil you know. Let go of what’s not working for you, even if it’s terrifying.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

It’s not important whose fault it is, Aquarius. Seriously. All you need to worry about is what you’re going to do with the status quo. Things have changed and it’s on you to adjust to them; don’t blame others for being where they’re at. Go with the flow instead of lamenting how it used to be, or how you think it should be now.


Feb. 19-March 20

Make no mistake, Pisces, everything that’s going on for you is a beckoning from the Universe to step up and be the person you want to be. You’re not being challenged, you’re being given opportunities. Know that your accomplishments are not luck- they’re a validation of your awesomeness. Take it all in.

Want more in-depth, intuitive or astrological advice from Jessica? Schedule a one-on-one reading that can be done in person or by phone. Visit


Psychic Dream Astrology: Oct 1-6, 2014


Oct. 1-7, 2014

Mercury goes retrograde Oct. 4-25. Don’t take it personally when miscommunications occur, and triple-check things on your end, friends.


March 21-April 19

You don’t need to know how you’re going to get it done, but you do need to commit to trying. This week will test your resolve to make good on some changes you’re trying to execute, Aries. Set yourself up for success by putting yourself into situations you can handle, even if that means moving slower than you’d prefer.


April 20-May 20

You may find yourself pulled by the lure of the brightest and shiniest thing, instead of what you believe would make you most happy. Choose wisely, Taurus! When opportunity tests your values is when your true colors come out; do what’s right, and not just what’s convenient right now.


May 21-June 21

This week you’ve got to be willing to step forward and do what’s right, Twin Star. You are changing and you have your sights set on much brighter horizons (hazzah!), but if you keep on acting like the same, small old you, how will the world know it? Step up and be the person you want to become.


June 22-July 22

Everything is moving slowly and it’s a test of your patience and an opportunity to grow deeper roots. Let go of what’s not working for you, Moonchild, because you’re going someplace new and you don’t want your old crap polluting the pool of your new awesomeness. Slow and steady wins this race.


July 23-Aug. 22

The shit that isn’t working is here for a reason, Leo. Don’t get so attached to your idea about how life ‘should’ be that you ignore what is. If you stop trying to control things and go with the flow, things will be much easier for you this week. Try really hard to stop trying so hard, my friend.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

You don’t need to fix stuff this week, even if you feel uncomfortable. When things aren’t secure there’s often a reason for that, so ask yourself how you got here, because it wasn’t by accident, Virgo. Retrace your steps so you can see where you need to pick up and reroute your progress.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Your relationships are in a great place, but are you in the right position within them? In your efforts to be diplomatic you may find that you’re not always totally being yourself, and it’s hard to have meaningful intimacies with people if you’re not totally there. Show up with all your ugly bits this week.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Fear of failure will stop you in your tracks and mess with your beautiful head if you let it. Instead of looping through a mental obstacle course of what-ifs, be proactive, Scorpio. You are capable and strong; all you’re missing is belief in yourself and a bit of patience. It’s better to try and fail than sit around worrying about it, pal.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Move slowly enough to take your vulnerabilities with you, Sag. It’s easy enough to have an inspired vision for what you want, but the hard part is being emotionally rooted enough to receive it. Get right with yourself before you put yourself out there this week, so when you do, you can take in what’s coming your way.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Your job is to receive the love being offered to you, Capricorn. Let it light up the parts inside of you that you’re all too used to keeping in the dark. This week the stars are trying to get you to (for reals) let happiness, love, and success in. Stop working so hard to get it and absorb what you’ve already got.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

There’s no reason for you to feel bad about where you’re at, Aquarius. You’re not in control of what’s coming your way, but you can take responsibility for how you respond. Be willing to learn from your past and you’ll be able to see that this is just part of your process when it comes to big transitions.


Feb. 19-March 20

Go forth slowly, my friend. Everything thing is awesome in your life but I fear that you somehow missed that memo. Take a breather and consider all that you have to be grateful for. Don’t just think about it; really feel good about what you’ve got going for you. Gratitude is a fear-buster, Pisces.

Want more in-depth, intuitive or astrological advice from Jessica? Schedule a one-on-one reading that can be done in person or by phone. Visit


Psychic Dream Astrology, July 9-15, 2014


March 21-April 19
You’ve gotta take a chance, Aries. There’s no ‘safe’ route this week; no matter what you do, there’ll be consequences. I trust you to make the best decisions possible, but do you trust yourself? Managing anxiety is your real work right now, so make sure you are kind and patient with on your way.

April 20-May 20
You’re a willful one, and you can get things done when you need to. The lesson before you is to do things in a way that is not only effective, but considers your emotional state. If you burn yourself out at the start of things how’re you going to stay the course? Keep on moving, but keep it steady, pal.

May 21-June 21
You’re strong and creative, but which concoction of your talents is right for you this week? Slow down and catch up with what you’re doing, so you can make some much-needed adjustments. Don’t squander the awesomeness in your life by having a shaky vision for what you are going for, Gem.

June 22-July 22
All you can do is act with honor, Moonchild. You don’t get to control the outcome of how things will play out, how other people will feel or behave, and you don’t get to know the future. You must act on faith, so why not believe in yourself? Be true to your instincts and let the rest unfold in its time.

July 23-Aug. 22
It’s important to learn from your past, Leo. Strive to make good on the promises you’ve made to yourself over the past couple of years. You are in a deeply fertile place but nothing’s going to bloom if you don’t plant your seeds carefully and diligently care for what grows.

Aug. 23-Sept. 22
The conservative route is not your best bet this week. Your fears are not keeping you safe; they’re fogging up your lenses so you can’t see things quite right. Take a leap of faith and try to give yourself what you really want, not only what you think you can get. You’ll never know if you don’t try.

Sept. 23-Oct. 22
With Mars still in your sign and Pluto and Uranus shaking sticks at you it’s not an easy time to be a Libra. Confront your fears with as much grace as you can, my friend. If you’re willing to change this can be a period where you lighten your load and drop the crap that’s been holding you back, so get to it.

Oct. 23-Nov. 21
No matter how deep a hole you dig yourself you’ve still got to maintain your relationships, pal. This week you may find yourself overwhelmed and underpaid but this is not the time to give up on life! Connect to the people that fill you up and use that emotional support to carry you through.

Nov. 22-Dec. 21
Being smart has its advantages, but if you get too fixated on understanding things with your head, it’s easy to ignore the wisdom of your heart. Analyzing how you got where you’re at will be more interesting than helpful this week. Make peace with your present so can you take the steps to improve it.

Dec. 22-Jan. 19
It’s easy to do the right thing when everything is going your way. It’s when shit gets real that our egos come into play and defensive or avoidant behavior is most likely to rear it’s head. Rise up in the spirit of your values and be the change you want to see in your life, Cap.

Jan. 20-Feb. 18
The source of your pain is also meant to be your greatest inspiration, Aquarius. Life isn’t perfect, and neither are you, but you can do your best with what you’ve got. Heartache and troubles are not meant as a punishment, they are simply pointing you to where you need courage. Open your heart, Water Bearer.

Feb. 19-March 20
Be honest about where you’re at so that you can make choices that nurture your soul, Pisces. You are being called to take greater ownership for your life, so drop the martyr act and say what needs to be said, do what needs to get done, and be the person you are meant to be, living a life you feel good about.

Want more in-depth, intuitive or astrological advice from Jessica? Schedule a one-on-one reading that can be done in person or by phone. Visit

Psychic Dream Astrology: June 25 – July 1, 2014


June 25-27, 2014

Mercury is Retrograde all week but fear not! It goes direct Aug. 2.


March 21-April 19

You are right where you need to be, Aries. This is an excellent time for beginnings and laying the foundation for exactly what you want. The key is not to require it come in any special packaging. Being on the right road does not ensure everything is hunky-dory, only that your pains are worth it.


April 20-May 20

You don’t have to do it all right away. This week it’s important that you ask for support when you need it. This is not only helpful in a material sort of way, but can also aid you in being able to better collaborate with others. The more open you are, the more good can come through this week.


May 21-June 21

It’s all about the people in your life this week, Twin Star. Your relationships need care and attention from you, and that may just translate to some uncomfortable talks that feel a little unsafe. It’s OK to make yourself vulnerable in the hopes of deepening your connections, and this is the time to try.


June 22-July 22

You need new tools for coping with your frayed nerves. As you wrestle with your anxieties here’s a simple tip to help you emerge victorious over them: when you feel nervous is not the time to figure things out. Get yourself to a place of calm before you get to problem solving for best results.


July 23-Aug. 22

This is the time to take chances, Leo. The trick is to use your power and insights to work in conjunction with others instead of around them. If you take the time to assess how things are developing for you and how others are reacting this will slow things down, but it’s worth it. Find a strategy that serves the whole.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

It’s easy for you to obsess on every detail of what is and isn’t happening, but it’s a total waste of energy. Check in with your gut instincts this week so that you can bypass the doomsday tendencies in your thinking. If you don’t know how things are going to turn out, why not imagine best-case scenarios?


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Accept how stressful the unknown can be so you don’t get too discouraged by it. Take your time so you can manage the inevitable upsets of change in development in stride. Have hope, dear Libra, but keep that balloon tethered to the earth. You’re on the right path, but that doesn’t mean it’ll be easy.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Love and intimacy are the way. The stars want you to have love, so try to be open to it for reals this week. You’re such an openhearted person who is also totally shut off in self-protection from others, and it can be a confusing combination. Avail yourself to people and situations you believe will support you, pal.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

You have got to execute your ambitions in this here material world with finesse. There is no time to waste on sloppiness, so pay attention to three major things this week: your intention, your situation, and your actions. Make sure they are properly aligned to avoid unnecessary problems.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Be open-minded, Capricorn. You’re in the throws of a deep and intense internal transition, and if you’re not willing to see things differently you’ll be missing out on important opportunities. This is not the time to take on more stuff: Find creative ways of dealing with what you’ve got.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

You’re at a kind of crossroads, so this is not a time for conventional assessments or linear thinking. You can’t know everything, or understand the singular truth out of all situations. There are things that must be felt out with your guts, and your irrational instincts. Trust yourself, Aquarius.


Feb. 19-March 20

When you get something truly good that you super-crazy want, it should be all rainbows and puppies, but it’s often not. Now that you have what you fancy you may find yourself obsessing on what you don’t have or could lose. Stay in the present and be grateful as an antidote to your fears this week.

Want more in-depth, intuitive or astrological advice from Jessica? Schedule a one-on-one reading that can be done in person or by phone. Visit


Psychic Dream Astrology: June 11-17, 2014


June 11-17, 2014

Err on the side of caution with communications and plan making this week, as Mercury continues its retrograde motion.


March 21-April 19

Patience is the best salve to soothe your wounds. You may want to jump over your fears to get to the next playing level, but the truth is you’ll only end up bringing them along with you. Deal with your feelings even if that slows down your progress, Aries. Do things right so you only have to do them once.


April 20-May 20

You need to transform, my dear, and there’s no way around it. You can wait until external forces push you or you can do it on your own, but something’s gotta give this week. In the game of change or be changed, it’s always better to get ahead of the curve.


May 21-June 21

Anxiety is your greatest enemy this week, and if you can cope with that you can deal with anything, Gemini. You are moving through some intense emotional landmines and it’s understandable if you feel murky and off balance. Have faith in the big picture and be kind to your self this week.


June 22-July 22

What you put in is what you’ll get out this week. You don’t need to know how things are going to turn out in order to do your very best, Cancer. If you’re being motivated by your fears, consider pausing until you can do things focused on what you’re moving toward instead of away from.


July 23-Aug. 22

It’s not that all communication is doomed to failure during a Mercury Retrograde cycle, it’s that if we’re not careful things are more likely to misfire. Be intentional, transparent, and forthright as you endeavor to clear the air and move your plans forward this week.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Your ruling planet may be moving backward but you’re not, my finicky friend. This is the right time to create an action plan. Whether you need to change careers, start eating better, or deepen your relationships, now’s the time to name what you want and what you’re willing to do to make it happen.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

There are old patterns disguised as brand new experiences playing themselves out in your personal life this week. Take the time to get grounded so you can make sure you’ve learned from your past, and are not blindly rushing to “fix” your present. Be brave enough to risk making new mistakes, Libra.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Some wise women once said “STOP in the name of love,” and they were right, Scorpio. Hold out hope for all that you love and desire this week, and don’t give up without really trying. Be open to being changed by what or who you love this week. Go with the flow and see where it takes you.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Mercury Retrograde is a tricky time to make major decisions because it makes us less likely to understand all the details, and that makes it all the more likely that things will go awry. Take your time so you can make choices that make you happy by being clear headed and well-informed this week, Sag.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

This is the time to mobilize, but if you do as much as you can, you’ll find yourself overcommitted and overwhelmed by the month’s end. You’re being tested on how well you know yourself, so take the time to investigate what your aspirations are and to make sure your actions are properly aligned with them.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

You’d be wise to deepen your understanding of your own position so that you don’t put yourself out there half cocked. There’s no rush, so no matter how ballsy you’re feeling, don’t push yourself farther or faster than you need to go, Aquarius. Protect what you’ve got and let the rest come in its own time.


Feb. 19-March 20

When it’s too much it’s too much, Pisces! You need a time-out this week. You’re overwhelmed and haven’t figured out if you’re doing what you really want to do, or if you’re acting out of obligation. Rise to the challenge of saying “no” to what you need to, so you can say “yes” to yourself.

Want more in-depth, intuitive, or astrological advice from Jessica? Schedule a one-on-one reading that can be done in person or by phone. Visit


Psychic Dream Astrology: Feb 19-25, 2014


Mercury retrograde can mean having to say you’re sorry. Avoid problems by double-checking plans and communications.


March 21-April 19

Share your achievements with your family, Aries. It doesn’t have to be your Maw and Paw, whoever you love and are setting roots with will do nicely. There is so much going for you and to make the most of it you should include others and let them share in your joy this week.


April 20-May 20

Pay attention to the difference between actual problems related to scarcity or failure, versus worry that those things will happen. Don’t create the things you fear by focusing all of your attention on them, Taurus. Practice positive reinforcements, even if you have to fake it till you make it.


May 21-June 21

Concentrate, Gemini! This is not the time to be running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off, worrying over all the things you could, should, or would be doing, if only you weren’t so overwhelmed. Focus on three goals. Only three! Execute with the wit and style that can only be yours.


June 22-July 22

This is an excellent time for taking control of your life, but the rub is that you’ve gotta do it without being controlling. Take on bite sized pieces of your goals. You are capable of great things but if you take on too much you risk feeling like crap and undermining yourself. That’d be a waste!


July 23-Aug. 22

There’s no rushing time or the progress of others. You can’t know how everything is going to turn out. Be the change you wish to see in your world, Leo. While you shouldn’t rush others or push your agenda on them, that doesn’t mean you need to put off your progress while things develop.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Learn from your past, Virgo. Your relationships need you to show up, but you’ve got to be clear about how you’re doing it. Don’t alienate yourself in your efforts to give others what you need (or visa versa). You are never doing the right thing when you act out of fear, doll.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

You are being called upon to act, but don’t get it twisted; you’re not meant to run yourself ragged and do it all at once. This is the time to dig deep inside yourself to find what you have to offer of your heart and soul. Life may not be easy right now, but you have to gifts to cope.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

In the words of the late, great, Harvey Milk, “you’ve gotta give them hope”! Look for the possibility and potential in all things, even if it’s a stretch. You’re poised to build on top of the foundations you’ve been nurturing over the past year. Focus on what you want and how to make it happen.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Find creative ways of handling fear. There is an infinitude of things that could go wrong at any time; the sky could fall, you could loose all your hair, your favorite restaurant could close. Stay present and deal with problems as they arise. Preemptive strikes are poorly starred for you this week.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

You don’t have to do it all right away, Cap. In fact, you need a time out. There is no thing that you will do better when you’re rushing, and there’s no use in bringing bad vibes to things that you actually feel really good about. Take a step back, gather up your energy, and then knock ‘em dead.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

How you deal with hardships is wicked important. You may be going through an emotional tailspin, but there is a reason why. You are meant to look at the big picture of your life and strive to understand how your participation brought you here. Change your part and you’ve changed the game.


Feb. 19-March 20

Your creative process is essential to who you are. Whether you express it in the private realm of your oh-so fertile mind, in your work, or interpersonally, this is not the time to give up on your own process. Don’t confuse a speed bump with a roadblock. Shit happens; don’t let it get you down.

Want more in-depth, intuitive or astrological advice from Jessica? Schedule a one-one-one reading that can be done in person or by phone. Visit

Psychic Dream Astrology: Feb 12-18, 2014


Mercury is Retrograde this week. Make allowances for misunderstandings through the 28th. 


March 21-April 19

The thing that gives your sign a bad reputation is that you can act (or talk) first and ask questions later. Curb the immediacy of your impulses this week or you’ll end up alienating the people you’re trying to connect with. Don’t defend yourself; holding your ground will be way more effective, Aries.


April 20-May 20

History has a funny way of repeating itself, but why? It’s ‘cause we have a funny way of not learning our lessons the easy way. Look back at your past to see what patterns are repeating them selves for you now, Taurus. What you truly need to overcome may be the story you have about yourself.


May 21-June 21

Relationships are so important, Gemini, and this week you shouldn’t hide from them. Whether you need to call your mama, check in on your friendships, network, or just snuggle up with your sweetie, this is the time to attend to your needs by tending to the needs of others.


June 22-July 22

Loss and change hurt and there’s no way around it, not even a shortcut. But listen up, Moonchild; there are two kinds of broken hearts. One that leaves you misshapen and broken, and the other that offers you the opportunity to put it back together in a better, stronger and healthier way. Make your choice, pal.


July 23-Aug. 22

Patience makes perfect this week. It takes faith and a willingness to tolerate uncertainty, annoyance, and a whole host of other bothersome emotions to let things develop in their own time. Show compassion as others try and catch up with you, even if you think you could push matters along quicker.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

This is not the time to look at things through a magnifying glass, Virgo. Slow down and recharge your batteries without over thinking your life. The best way to get insights will be by reflecting on the themes in your life and taking care of your heart. How you arrive is more important than when this week.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Things are changing pretty rapidly in your world, and while you may be ready for it that doesn’t mean that everyone around you is. As exciting as the changes before you may be, you can avoid unnecessary trouble if you involve others in your plans, or at the very least consider how they’ll be effected by ‘em.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Resistance is futile, but life isn’t. Strive to find meaning and value with the path that you have committed yourself to, Scorpio. You may be going through a rough time, but you need to go through it so that you can come out the other side changed. Practice gratitude and kindness until then.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Life is not meant to be perfect, and we are not always supposed to be carefree. You have so much to gain from your current woes, Sag, that it’d be a waste to avoid serious self-investigation this week. By understanding what exactly has got you riled up you can better deal with your part in the whole mess.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Your situation should not worry you, Capricorn. The Universe is setting you up, but it’s not a set up to fail! Try to handle your life with both authority and compassion and to be generous with both yourself and others. How you respond to crisis this week is more important than the troubles themselves.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Your ideas are fascinating as always, but this week you have to be careful that you don’t obsess on them so much that you stop paying attention to the world around you. Staying receptive even while you are focused on your own genius is hard, but if you are patient it will at least be a simpler task.


Feb. 19-March 20

Don’t worry so much over what will happen in the end, Pisces. Strive to let your behavior reflect what you value this week. We all must make compromises, but when doing so you can be true to yourself and be the person you wish to be. Stay in the game, even if you don’t love the play.

Want more in-depth, intuitive or astrological advice from Jessica? Schedule a one-one-one reading that can be done in person or by phone. Visit 

Psychic Dream Astrology: February 5-11, 2014


Mercury goes Retrograde on the 6th through the 28th of February. Prepare to feel unprepared my friends.
March 21-April 19
Focus your thoughts on how far you’ve come, no matter how much farther you’ve got to go, Aries. Feel good about the changes you’ve made no matter how small they are. Transitions take time to assimilate, and if you feel good about the work you’ve done it’ll buoy you for the work ahead (which appears to be formidable).

April 20-May 20
You aren’t perfect and that shouldn’t get you down, Taurus. Us humans are messy beasts and we often learn best through trial and error. Let go of your dogged attachment to flawlessness! You will succeed this week by boldly acting, despite your fears. Making mistakes is an essential part of learning, pal.

May 21-June 21
Get caught up with your life, Twin Star. This week it would be unwise to start anything new, no matter how bad you want to. Sometimes the biggest risk you can take is to pause and let things develop on their own. It’s a courageous act that requires faith, patience, and a healthy helping of impulse control.

June 22-July 22
The world may be going to hell in a hand basket but you are only responsible for yourself, Moonchild. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t pursue acts of kindness, only that you needn’t take on others’ feelings or dramas, especially if you want to help them out. Self-care helps you and helps the people.

July 23-Aug. 22
You may not think you’re picking fights, but if you’re not in the right frame of mind to be around people and you do it anyways, you’re just asking for trouble. Pursue solo pleasures this week to better manage your moods and whims, Leo. Your relationships can wait, and they’ll be better off for it.

Aug. 23-Sept. 22
How you cope with your feelings is of the utmost importance this week. Challenge yourself to find balance in the face of whatever chaotic situations you are confronted with so that you can handle them with grace and flexibility. Don’t repress your feelings; be intentional with how you express them, Virgo.

Sept. 23-Oct. 22
There is no thing greater than love. Romantic love is wonderful of course, but it often takes up more air space than self-love, or the love of work, friendship and life in general. Don’t let your desire for passionate love obscure your need for all others expressions of ardor this week.

Oct. 23-Nov. 21
Be forthright, Scorpio. Your sign has a reputation for being sketchy because of your tendency to hold back the truth- the rest of the zodiac tends to interpret this as “lying”. This is the week to be honest and direct in your relationships, even when it’s uncomfortable. Let others show up (or not), as they will.

Nov. 22-Dec. 21
It’s your turn, Sag! Mercury goes retrograde this week and many astrologers will tell you to leave the heart-to-hearts for another time, but not I, dear friend. This is the right time to clear up miscommunications or to at least take first steps to clear the air. The truth will set you free, so don’t hold back.

Dec. 22-Jan. 19
Major change is afoot and you do not need to fix a thing. This week the Universe wants you to stay grounded in your goals and to have faith in the stability and support you have cultivated in your life. Your self-esteem may be at risk, but not your integrity. Do what’s right even when you’re tempted otherwise.

Jan. 20-Feb. 18
Your vision is a good one, Aquarius, but the way you’re going about things is not making your life any easier. Instead of doing everything all at once, how’s about you slow down this week? You need a minute to figure out what you’re feeling and why before you can offer anything in a clean and clear way.

Feb. 19-March 20
Defeat and uncertainty threaten to scramble your thoughts and deaden your feelings this week. There’s a reason for everything and opportunity in each of your struggles; you only need to look for it. Don’t let negativity inhibit you, Pisces. Stay focused on your goals and have confidence in your path.

Want more in-depth, intuitive or astrological advice from Jessica? Schedule a one-one-one reading that can be done in person or by phone. Visit

Psychic Dream: Jan. 29-Feb. 4



March 21-April 19

If you could trust that your survival is secure and that what you are striving towards is abundance and not necessity, how do you think that would change your approach? The more ownership you take of what you’ve got, the more you’ll find you actually have. Have faith this week, Aries.



April 20-May 20

It’s not a waste of time to have a relationship run its course and end, Taurus. All of our connections offer opportunities to act in accordance with our values, to become a better person, or to learn our limits. Don’t minimize its significance when you find yourself at the end of something meaningful.



May 21-June 21

This week is an excellent one to fortify your plans, follow up on leads, and finish what you’ve started. Be the boss of your own life and a balanced and effective leader of Twin Star Teams. There’s no time like the present to stay focused and get ‘er done, so leave all distractions and excuses for another day.



June 22-July 22

Your sign is hecka emo, so it’s no surprise that you’re full of feeling this week, but that doesn’t make it easy on you. Sadness may be trailing you, and you shouldn’t hide from it. You’ll be able to get the most out of your circumstances by being open to your feelings, even if they suck, Moonchild.



July 23-Aug. 22

Trust is one of the most important parts of any relationship, but how can you trust others when you are not being trustworthy yourself? This week you need to be careful that you don’t overextend your self beyond what you can emotionally cope with. Set up realistic expectations that others can rely on.



Aug. 23-Sept. 22

You are not Queen of the World (though you should be, doll) and you do not get to control the ebb and flow of things. The Universe needs you to relax your grip and let it do its job; trust that others will reveal themselves to you, situations will progress, and you will get where you need to be with time.



Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Your instincts and intellect need to get together and sign a peace treaty so they can work together for the benefit of all. Things are really opening up for you, and all you need to do is be flexible and willing to get the most out of it. Change doesn’t have to suck, so be on the lookout for new perspectives this week.



Oct. 23-Nov. 21

You took on too much and now are paying the price, but the worst thing you can do is drop into a Scorpion hole and alienate yourself from others. Challenge your self to behave differently while in the throws of some old patterns. Reach out to the people that you can be yourself with this week.



Nov. 22-Dec. 21

It would be all too easy to get distracted this week and convince yourself that other peoples dramas are your own, or that you should pile more stuff on top of your already long to-do list. Make sure that you finish what’s on your plate before you order anything else, and that you mind your own business, pal.



Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Your relationships should be top priority this week, Cap. It doesn’t matter what else you’ve got going on, the people who hold you up and have your back need your attention! Make sure you are giving the trifecta of intimacy up to the people who deserve it. Make time, communicate freely and love openly.



Jan. 20-Feb. 18

You have so much going for you and you’re pointing your life in the right direction. The only trouble is this pesky thing called time; it crawls when you’d rather it run. Let things develop at their own pace this week, not only because you have no choice, but so that you can better figure out your next steps.



Feb. 19-March 20

Invest in your future Pisces. There are things in your life that are not where you want them to be, and that’s a bummer. This is not the time to let the crap in your life slow you down, though. Let your troubles inspire you to get off your keester and get to work, and to appreciate the support you have to get it done.


Want more in-depth, intuitive or astrological advice from Jessica? Schedule a one-one-one reading that can be done in person or by phone.  

Psychic Dream: January 22-28, 2014


March 21-April 19
It’s unwise to expect others to change more than do Aries. You don’t need to lead by example per se, but sitting around and waiting for others to do what you want while you don’t give an inch isn’t likely to work out either. Be an active part of the growth that you are so keen to have in your life this week.

April 20-May 20
When you’re sitting alone in a comfy chair it’s much easier to check in and listen to the voice of your gut instincts than it is when you’re around other people and embroiled in relationship dynamics. This week you are being challenged to be grounded enough to stay in touch with yourself, be damned any distractions.

May 21-June 21
Fear is a long armed monster that there’s no running, and there’s no hiding from. Do your best to understand your mental compulsions this week because they are on fire, Twin Star! Don’t let your resistance to feeling bad stop you from investigating what you are actually scared of and why.

June 22-July 22
In your efforts to protect what you want you must be careful that you don’t you end up behaving badly. The ego is a tricky thing, Moonchild, because it can convince you that you’re troubles entitle you to just about anything. How you handle yourself in distress will be more defining, so strive to act right.

July 23-Aug. 22
The best way to create security in your life is to keep on changing, Leo. You may worry that you will outgrow your relationships or circumstances, but you needn’t fret; the good of your life will expand with you, and whatever gets left behind was already on its way out, anyways. More is more this week.

Aug. 23-Sept. 22
You are in the throws of a meaningful transition, and it’s bigger than you are, Virgo. Don’t let your fears stop you from exploring your vulnerabilities with an open heart and mind this week. You are capable of healing some old wounds that have been slowing you down, so be brave and stay in it for the long haul.

Sept. 23-Oct. 22
This is one of those times when you are at risk for being your own worst enemy, Libra. Instead of obsessing on the details of what is, or could go wrong, work on being present this week. Gratitude trumps fear, so strive to take stock of all you’ve got going for you, especially when the going gets rough.

Oct. 23-Nov. 21
Whether you have many trusted friends or only a few, it’s time to look at those relationships and let them reflect back to you something of yourself. Friendship is so important; its value can’t be overstated. Showering your friends with the love and validation they deserve will be healing for you this week.

Nov. 22-Dec. 21
Stand up for what you believe in and be true to yourself, Sag, just don’t imagine that they’re wont be consequences. This week your will may be in direct conflict with someone else’s, and you need to be honest with yourself if thems just the brakes, or if you’re overstepping some much needed boundaries.

Dec. 22-Jan. 19
Don’t resist the obvious flow of your life, even if you don’t like it where it seems to be taking you this week because the Universe is trying to push  you towards clarity. If you only try to avoid discomfort you’ll only end up confused and unhappy. Only by first accepting your situation can you start to change it.

Jan. 20-Feb. 18
This weeks frustrations are the best teacher you could ask for, Aquarius. When you feel out of sorts it’s easy to also feel trapped in your circumstances, but is that really true? Take stock of everything in your life that you choose- and whatever doesn’t make it to the list you can start dealing with, STAT.

Feb. 19-March 20
Take the time to sit with your feelings, Pisces. There is integrity in knowing how you feel and owning it, as opposed to giving the people what you think they want. Whether you’re feeling like sunshine and roses or blue as can be, honor yourself and trust your friends enough to share where you’re at.

Want more in-depth, intuitive or astrological advice from Jessica? Schedule a one-one-one reading that can be done in person or by phone. Visit

Psycic Dream: Jan. 15-21, 2014



March 21-April 19

When people act or react with anger it’s often just to cover up deeper insecurities or worries. This week you may find your mind running a mile a minute, Aries, and the track it’s on is fear-based. The worst thing you could do is project your disquiet out and be a bully. Ask for help instead of burning bridges.



April 20-May 20

In order to move forward in the way you need to, it’s wise for you to take a little step back this week. There’s so much happening in your life that you may have lost track of yourself somewhere along the way. Make sure your actions match your intentions; take a time-out and reconnect with The Taurus Within.



May 21-June 21

If there are people in your life that you can count as true friends, people who know you and all of your personalities, then you’re a lucky duck, Gemini. What happens when you let people truly know you is hard to predict, but is worth investigating. Allow yourself to be transformed by intimacy with those you love.



June 22-July 22

Look for the light everywhere, Moonchild. You are a sensitive soul and it can incline you to experiencing life from a very serious place. Happiness, pleasure and play are powerful agents of healing that you should invite into your life. Make the exchange of such delights your mission this week.



July 23-Aug. 22

Contrary to popular wisdom, all is not fair in love and war. No matter how high passions are running you are not entitled to do or say whatever comes to mind. Think about the consequences of your actions before you strike out, ‘cause they will work like a boomerang and come back to you quicker than you might think.



Aug. 23-Sept. 22

When you tell the truth in an open-hearted and direct way it makes it easier for other people to hear what you’re trying to say, even if it’s upsetting. Connect to others with kindness, Virgo. You are at a great precipice and if you are brave enough, you can make meaningful strides in your relationships this week.



Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Sometimes not being in control is the best way to be. Things are going exactly as they are meant to, Libra, but they may not be as you’d have them. Take risks from your present state of circumstances and forget where you thought you “should” be by this time. Try to enjoy the organic unfolding of your life.



Oct. 23-Nov. 21

It’s your job to live the way you think is right. Don’t hold external forces responsible for what you choose to do or choose to not do, Scorpio. Live your life for yourself, but keep in mind that it’ll be best lived if you share it with others. Invest in intimacy without dependencies this week.



Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Don’t get stuck in a rut, Sag. You’re on the brink of psyching yourself out by focusing on all the ways you feel stuck, and all the stuff that’s crappy. Don’t enslave yourself to the very things you wish to avoid with obsessive thinking! Break up your negative trains of thought this week by changing up your habits.



Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Reconnect with your ambitions and especially any goal lists that you’ve written in the eight months. There’s nothing better than trying really hard at something that means the world to you, and succeeding. You have come a long way and the way to get even further is to enjoy your current achievements.



Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Try not to focus so much on the details, Aquarius. You’re dealing with some overwhelming emotions and it’s more important to nurture them than to analyze them. Sit in your feelings long enough to understand what you’re reacting to. Instead of trying to fix things, be kind to yourself and see what shifts.



Feb. 19-March 20

There are things you really want to change, but it’ll require flexibility on your part, Pisces. The only rule to follow this week is to do what’s authentic. That doesn’t give you carte blanche to do whatever you want, but when you compromise, make sure you can do it with integrity.

Want more in-depth, intuitive or astrological advice from Jessica? Schedule a one-one-one reading that can be done in person or by phone. Visit 


Psychic Dream: January 8-14, 2014



March 21-April 19

There is no “right” answer, Aries, only different choices that’ll yield different consequences. Don’t put pressure on yourself to figure out all the details this week. All you need to do is behave in ways that you can live with. When in doubt, strive to act with integrity and prosperity will follow.


April 20-May 20

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket! Be daring enough to enter into a collaborative relationship with Fate, Taurus. Endeavor to make your life a creative expression of all of your interests, loves, and goals. Put yourself out there this week and see what flowers and where your life flows to next.


May 21-June 21

You’ve got to believe in yourself, Twin Star. There’s no amount of accolades in the world that’ll make this happen for you, you’ve gotta choose it on your own. Self-doubt threatens to corrode the muscle car of your virility this week, and it will take an act of self-loving will and a leap of faith to overcome it.


June 22-July 22

It’s true that love heals all wounds, but it’s not a quick fix. Please use the regenerative powers of love and compassion as you deal with everything from getting a parking ticket to talking to your boss this week. The accumulative effects of such kindness to your self and others will be worth it.


July 23-Aug. 22

Be proactive in creating what you want in your life and relationships. Only beware your own enthusiasm, Leo! In your excitement you risk trampling over people who move slower than you, or don’t share your vision this week. Take your time and consider all factors, especially those with a heartbeat.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

It is scary letting go of control because you don’t know what’ll happen or how to prepare. Accept what you cannot do so that you can free up your energy to work with what you can. Resist the urge to make value judgments; try to assume that there’s a bigger and better plan than you can see right now.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

The antidote to your fears this week is found through injecting patience and optimism into your outlook. There is no force so great that it’ll speed up time and no analysis so piercing that it’ll predict the future. Be gentle with yourself and the situations that are still developing around you, Libra.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

If you don’t know how to get where you want to go, or worse, if you don’t know where you want to be, then this week is going to test you. Strive to make choices out of love and hope in place of fear, Scorpio. Gravitate towards that which holds you up instead of your worries.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

In order to have the kind of relationships that you want you first need to be right with you. Pushing yourself to the limits of what you can do in a healthy way has it time and place, but it’s now and it’s not with the people you love. Acknowledge your boundaries so you can work within them and avoid needless grief.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

So here’s the rub about freedom- you are free to choose whatever you want, even if it sucks. The Universe is calling upon you to be intentional with yourself about what you are doing, and the underlying reasons why. This can be a magical time for you, but it’ll require an honest assessment of your participation.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

The truth is that most of us are afraid of success. If you had everything you wanted and no problems at all, even the long held ones, who would you be? Would you still be you? Investigate your attachments to the very stuff you claim not to want so that you can understand what you’re getting out of it.


Feb. 19-March 20

When you act on the material plane others can see and validate what you’re doing. When you purse internal action it can look like inactivity or even passivity to others. Focus on the latter this week so you can prop up the former when the time is right. Be brave enough to do what’s right for you, Pisces.

Want more in-depth, intuitive or astrological advice from Jessica? Schedule a one-one-one reading that can be done in person or by phone. Visit

Psychic Dream Astrology: Dec, 25-31, 2013



March 21-April 19

You are meant to adjust, Aries. There is no value in trying to keeps things the same, no matter how seductive that may feel to you right now. This week will go so much smoother if you don’t resist change; participate in the transformations that are happening within and around you this week.


April 20-May 20

Trust your instincts, even if you have to get past your ideas about how things are ‘supposed’ to be. If all you’re focused on is preserving peace, you’ll miss out on great opportunities.  As we say goodbye to 2013 this is the right time to take stock of what you want to create and how you’re willing to go about it.


May 21-June 21

No matter how sad or stuck you feel, this is not the time to give up or give in. Your convictions are being tested so don’t let upsets derail you. How you cope with your feelings is as important as what you do this week. Let the things that block you spur you on to new heights and greater self-knowledge.


June 22-July 22

Don’t engage in power struggles, Moonchild. No matter how much the holiday season tweaks your mood and mind, now is not the time to take the bait and play into drama. If you can’t take space from what irks you try to remember that if you can’t find anything constructive to say, don’t say anything at all.


July 23-Aug. 22

It’s OK if your people don’t understand what you’re doing, ‘cause right now you just need to make sense to yourself. This is the right time to take risks and leaps of faith that fortify you, Leo. You don’t need things to be perfect, but you do need them to feel alive and like they are growing towards greater abundance. Dream big.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

It’s all about your relationships this holiday week, Virgo. Be intentional about how you relate to others, because passivity is a misuse of your energy. Reach out to those you care about, mend broken fences and douse those you love with kindness; find home in the love you share with others.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Don’t over think things, Libra! You are on the verge of whipping yourself into such a frenzy that you obsess over too many details, and then impulsively pull some crazy and self-destructive moves. Take responsibility for your actions by taking more loving care of your attitudes, and don’t forget to breathe.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

. Prioritize having clear and strong boundaries with folks this week. You are a deep feeler, and when you loose contact with your instincts things can quickly become a mess. You are likely to deepen your relationships or just expertly avoiding real intimacy over the holidays; choose wisely, Scorpio.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Sometimes you’ve got to let go to hold on. There’s no point in lamenting on how things used to be. The past is behind you and your present requires your heartfelt attention. Indulge in a ‘best of’ episode of whatever it is you’re stuck on and then put it down so you can move towards what you want to create next.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Don’t get penned in by your reactions, Capricorn. Things are going great for you in so many ways so take a minute to feel awesome about it! This week will require you to set some limits, and you can get all riled up about, but that’s just likely to make things worse for everyone. Say your piece and let it go.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Practice holding your hopes and intentions firmly in your mind, but not being attached to them. This requires willingness to let things play out in their own way and at their own pace, which ultimately requires faith. If you’re pushy this week you just might end up unwittingly pushing excellence away, pal.


Feb. 19-March 20

Let yourself gravitate towards what brings you happiness, Pisces. You have worked hard and you need a break from toil to allow yourself to simply receive goodness. As 2013 comes to its close, reflect on how you have gotten in your own way this year and how you plan to step out of it.

Want more in-depth, intuitive or astrological advice from Jessica? Schedule a one-one-one reading that can be done in person or by phone. Visit


Psychic Dream Astrology: DEc. 18-24, 2013


Psychic Dream Astrology




March 21-April 19

The challenge before you is not to make do of a crappy situation; it is to have healthy boundaries in a situation where you’re not guaranteed that they’ll help you. Be clear about what you have to offer, your needs and limits. It’s not as important how others react as much as that you were true to your self.



April 20-May 20

Relationships are complex organisms; they are not just about you and another individual- they are the dynamic product of what happens when each of your issues bump up against each other’s. The more clear and upfront you are about what you are in it for, the more you’ll get out of it, Taurus.



May 21-June 21

Stay right here, right now, Gem. When you look at the future or reflect on the past, you’re doing it all from the present. There is so much that has yet to unfold, so please deepen your tolerance for being still. If you can focus on today, today, you’ll be happier in the now and better prepared for tomorrow.



June 22-July 22

How you let go is super important, Moonchild. At the end of any kind of relationship we tend to behave out of fear, but the best way to act is with compassion and kindness. Strive to be generous of spirit both towards yourself and others this week, even if the truth of your situation is not pleasant.



July 23-Aug. 22

In order to live the life you want to be living you need to be able to put some things down. Saying ‘yes’ is a great policy until you’ve got too much on your plate and you have to cut back on things you enjoy and are committed to. Use discretion before taking anything new on this week, Leo.



Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Don’t fix a thing, Virgo! The problems in your world are there for a reason, and if you go forth and conquer you’ll not understand what was happening beneath the surface until it’s too late. It is unclear if it’s your situation or you that needs to change, and it’s only with vigorous contemplation that you’ll figure it out.



Sept. 23-Oct. 22

If you persist on making your choices and cultivating your opinions based on what you think others will approve of you’ll end up with more confusion and muddled results, Libra. Check in with your intuition this week, even if that means you have to spend some quality time alone and unplugged for a few hours.



Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The most delicate thing that you are in possession of is your heart. Your relationships may be a place that you bring your feelings, or you may use them as a way to distract from or control your innermost personal life. Take risks in the name of intimacy so you can feel the good stuff more deeply, Scorpio.



Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Only put yourself out there if you can stand beside your actions with integrity. If that’s not possible, then just wait. Patience may not be your strong suit but it’s what the Universe wants you working on this week. Connect with your deepest truths before you go rambling out there.



Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Worry is prayer at the alter of what you don’t want to have happen. Be kind to yourself and the people closest to you by being able to separate out your feelings (which may be sad or scared) and your fears (which may read as more of a Kafkaesque telenovella). Kindness and compassion are all you need.



Jan. 20-Feb. 18

The beautiful thing about decisiveness is that it allows for your full potential to burst through without distractions. This week your greatest power comes from making choices and following through with them, Aquarius. Don’t dilute your effectiveness by acting as though you haven’t made your choices.



Feb. 19-March 20

If you feel out of control this week it’s because you are; you’re not meant to understand the ins and outs of every detail of your life, or even your own psyche. You are an ever-shifting animal and the best you can do for yourself is to be responsive to your needs as they change. There is hope in flexibility, Pisces.


Want more in-depth, intuitive or astrological advice from Jessica? Schedule a one-one-one reading that can be done in person or by phone. Visit 

Psychic Dream Astrology: December 11-17, 2013


March 21-April 19
This is not the time to sit idly by as the world changes around you, be a part of things, Aries! Take it a step further and don’t just make a lateral moves, but strive to make real improvements. You’re unlikely to see meteoric results this week, but with a little patience you can improve things for the long haul.

April 20-May 20
If you believe that there’s not enough to go around, or that good things can’t or won’t happen for you, then you’re likely to look everywhere for evidence of that. Beware your own convictions, Taurus, or you may be unwittingly creating a bad vibes self-fulfilling prophesies for yourself.

May 21-June 21
Make friends with your ego, even though it can be a trickster; when it’s out of control it makes you feel that your needs and problems are more important than others’. A healthy ego can help you to stand up and motivate yourself to take on intimidating tasks, which you hecka need this week.

June 22-July 22
Guilt is such a waste of time; better to take responsibility for what you’ve done and humbly commit to trying to do differently in the future. Degenerating into guilty feelings makes it hard to move on or make reparations where possible. Tackle your problems constructively, Cancer.

July 23-Aug. 22
This week you would be wise to think about sustainability. Are the things that you care about, the promises you’ve made, and the plans that you’ve laid, all realistic for you in the long haul? Don’t wait until there are problems for you to deal with; make sure the path you’re on can uphold the test of time.

Aug. 23-Sept. 22
The weird thing about balance is that you can’t get rigid or you loose it; it requires consistent shifts in order to maintain it. This week you may find your equilibrium, and that’s a wonderful thing! The key is to not get so attached to it that you fail to see the need for flexibility and open mindedness, Virgo.

Sept. 23-Oct. 22
Avoid niceness at all costs, Libra! Well, you don’t need to be that dramatic, but your habit is to be nice instead of authentic, when the latter is what you should be striving for. You can be diplomatic when asserting the truth to others, but honesty is the real kindness, no watered down version will do.

Oct. 23-Nov. 21
You’re so sensitive that you may be feeling overwhelmed by not only your life, but all the intense shifts in the people and places around you. That’s why you need a time-out, Scorpio. Take a break from figuring things out and recharge your batteries this week. There’s no point in moving forward in a muddled way.

Nov. 22-Dec. 21
Major change is afoot, Sag, and there’s no evading or controlling it. Don’t try to shape the course of things, but instead figure out where you’re life is flowing and try to go with it. The more you talk things out the better, so have kindly confrontations and share your process with trusted allies this week.

Dec. 22-Jan. 19
Worry all you like, Capricorn, but the truth is that sometimes things don’t work out because there’s something better waiting for you. How you emotionally and mentally handle life’s disappointments are more important than what you do about them this week. Stay open-minded and expect the best.

Jan. 20-Feb. 18
If you spend the bulk of your time on the fun stuff this week you may slip yourself up, Aquarius. This is one of those times when you should focus on what needs to get done, or you’ll be overwhelmed and agitated. It doesn’t need to be all work and no play, but if you’re gonna err, do it on the side of responsibility.

Feb. 19-March 20
What would you think if I told you that everything is perfect as it is right now? All of the unpleasant stuff, and the things that are not as you wish they’d be have their value. Investigate the worth of all things this week. You are building foundations for your future self, so do it intentionally and don’t be scared to take your time.

Want more in-depth, intuitive or astrological advice from Jessica? Schedule a one-one-one reading that can be done in person or by phone. Visit

Psychic Dream Astrology: December 4-10, 2013



March 21-April 19

Now is not the time to force your will on others, Aries, even if you truly believe it’s for their own good. You can be honest and direct about your opinions but it’s essential that you leave others alone after you’ve said your piece. Let people and situations reveal themselves to you, even if you don’t like what you see.


April 20-May 20

You are not in control of your situation, Taurus, and that sucks. The best you can do is to adapt and remain flexible this week. If you participate in fights all you’ll do is drum up more drama. Things may change on their own, but only if you give them enough space to do so. Protect yourself without engaging in BS.


May 21-June 21

There’s a good way to channel your anger, and then there’s a more stupid way, and I’m sure you know the difference. This week let your passions compel you to do bigger and better things than you’ve been doing, and to invigorate your life. You’re going in the right direction so don’t screw it up, Twin Star.


June 22-July 22

You can do everything perfectly and that doesn’t mean that you’ll get what you want. Don’t assume that things are what they seem! You may be suffering what appear to be disappointments, but they’re only hiccups. You’re on the right path and any setbacks you suffer this week are likely to have a larger purpose.


July 23-Aug. 22

What’s the rush, Leo? When you don’t have all the information you need, the best you can do is to wait things out and go on a fact-finding mission. Don’t let your circumstances rush you into a decision that you’re not ready to make this week. Investigate, ruminate, and gestate, for best results.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

As the world around you changes you have to change with it, or be changed by it, Virgo. The point is that there’s no avoiding the natural progression of things, even when it feels helluv unnatural. Lick your wounds and strive to make the best of it. You only stand to gain by being a part of things this week.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

The blocks between you and your goals may seem insurmountable, but they’re not. More importantly, feeling crappy does not give you license to throw your ego around and in the face of others. Use your ego as a motivational force and move beyond where you feel stuck this week, Libra.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Strive towards balance, Scorpio. Make enough space for your feelings that you are authentically in touch with them, but don’t slip into feeling sorry for yourself or isolation. The more flexible you can be with yourself, the better equipped you’ll be for handling whatever your life throws at you.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Everything has its place, even if you can’t find it right now, Sag. Check in with yourself to see what parts of your life feel well situated, and what feels off. You need to take stock of your life. Endeavor to really appreciate the good that’s flowing before you can take care of anything else this week.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

You are being tested in your ability to appraise your options, Capricorn. You can choose something that appeases your vanity, or something that enlivens your personal life this week. Here’s a helpful hint; in the labyrinth of life, it’s always wisest to take the path that will bring you someplace new.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

You need a time out, Aquarius. There’s no rule saying that you need to participate when you don’t feel like it. All you need to do is honor your commitments and avoid creating additional troubles that you’ll later want to avoid. Unplug and rejuvenate before you make mountains outta molehills, pal.


Feb. 19-March 20

It’s hard to know what’s right to do, and it’s even harder to know it when you are off your game. This week you need to stop second-guessing yourself; you don’t need to get it “right”, you only need to act with integrity. If you walk your talk and don’t let fear drive you, and you’ll get where you need to be.

Want more in-depth, intuitive or astrological advice from Jessica? Schedule a one-one-one reading that can be done in person or by phone. Visit

Psychic Dream Astrology: Nov 27-Dec 3, 2013



March 21-April 19

The movie is not yet over, the fat lady has not yet sung. This week you shouldn’t assume that you know what will happen in your relationships, as they’re story is being co-created by you and the people you’re involved with, right now. Participate in a way you can feel good about, regardless of what anyone else does.



April 20-May 20

Don’t let your belief in scarcity rule your thinking this week! If you trust that you’re OK, that no matter what happens you can deal with it (even if you don’t wanna), then the way you handle your options shifts. You need to have faith in yourself in order to make decisions that are truly right for you, Taurus.



May 21-June 21

Where are you at in the foundation-laying process, Twin Star? Instead of lamenting the progress you haven’t made, try taking stock of what you have achieved so far! You are solidly on your way to someplace better, but if you don’t celebrate or at least acknowledge your accomplishments, then that totally sucks for you.



June 22-July 22

At the end of the day, you’ve got to be loyal to yourself above all others.  Sometimes that’s going to mean that you say ‘no’ to them, or that you disappoint them, but if you are doing in it efforts to say ‘yes’ to yourself, then it’s the right thing to do this week. Kindness and niceness do not always look the same.



July 23-Aug. 22

Don’t write anything in stone this week, Leo. You do not have all the information you need, so you’d be wise to put off any major decisions or wild proclamations. Be the Jessica Fletcher of your own life; ask questions, watch carefully and don’t make too many assumptions. The easy answer is not always the truth.



Aug. 23-Sept. 22

When life hands you lemons you can make lemonade, but sometimes the lemons are so damn bitter that there’s not enough sugar in the world to make it drinkable! This week you don’t need to make the best of things, Virgo. You can feel whatever you’re feeling, just don’t try to force your bitter lemons on those around you.



Sept. 23-Oct. 22

“Honesty is the best policy,” they say, but sometimes it’s hard to be honest with your self. Strive to get real about what you’re thinking and feeling, Libra. The only way to be free of your compulsions and fears is to face them. Accepting yourself is the first step to changing what’s not working for you.



Oct. 23-Nov. 21

It’s time to let go, Scorpio. Things aren’t as you’d like them to be, and you know what needs to change. Take stock of what’s not working so that you can innovate the shifts you need in your life that will bring about improvements. Don’t fear the growing pains of transition; you’re totally ready.



Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Reach out to your peeps this week, Sag. You need some perspective, and you’re unlikely to get it by obsessing over things on your own. Let your support network have your back as you engage in a much-needed wrestling match with your many minds. If you can’t be real with the ones you love you’re doing something wrong.



Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Salvation comes this week through your willingness to stay emotionally present through what may be some hard conversations. Whether you need to sit yourself down to have a heart to heart or you need to do that with someone else, show up with an open mind and your emotional integrity at the fore.  



Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Don’t try to solve the world’s problems this week, Aquarius. You may feel spurred on by your anxieties to focus on the future when what you really should be doing is coping with your present. Reconnect with your own vitality and strength, and let yourself figure out tomorrow’s problems tomorrow.



Feb. 19-March 20

Self-fulfilling prophecies are easy to concoct, but you shouldn’t be looking for proof of how crappy things are, Pisces! You can be honest and direct without dropping an anvil. Diplomacy doesn’t have to water you down. Don’t pick fights with people that have more power than you this week.

Want more in-depth, intuitive or astrological advice from Jessica? Schedule a one-one-one reading that can be done in person or by phone. Visit 

Psychic Dream: Oct. 30-Nov. 5, 2013


Oct. 30-Nov.5, 2013

Blame all of your communication problems on Mercury while you can; it’s Retrograde till the 10th
March 21-April 19
Anxiety is like quicksand in the landscape of your awesomeness, Aries. If you feel overwhelmed by uncertainties this week, try to redirect your focus onto what you do know. Don’t strike out when you feel screwed up in the insides. The best way to learn about your habits of self-sabotage is to catch them in action.

April 20-May 20
Enjoy the love and intimacy that you have in your life, Taurus. This week your ability to stay present with the good stuff is being tested, especially when it’s outside of your comfort zone. Don’t let your fear of change damn the flow of your life. Staying open and discerning for maximum security and joyfulness.

May 21-June 21
You know all about every corner of the problems that are on your mind; you’ve looked at your concerns from every angle already. Make peace with your troubles so you can finally say sayonara; see you never! to them. Don’t wallow, Twin Star, ‘cause wallowing is so 2011. Move on.

June 22-July 22
You don’t need to know if what you’re doing is “right”, you only need to know if it’s right for you, Cancer. You’re trying to see things from other people’s perspectives, but that’s all wrong. Be honest with yourself about what you need based on where you are at, so even if you make a mistake, it’s an honest one you can learn from.

July 23-Aug. 22
It’s friendship time, Leo! Invest your formidable energy into your platonic relationships this week, and make sure you pick a few brains about what you’re doing while you’re at it. This is a great time to get feedback about how you’re handling your life from the folks that know and love you.

Aug. 23-Sept. 22
You may succeed or you may fail, but there’s no getting around risk this week, Virgo. If you’re doing something that means enough to you to go for it, then it’s worth some daring, too. Challenge yourself to focus on the potential instead of the dangers in front of you. Invest in the possibility!

Sept. 23-Oct. 22
You can’t turn to others for everything, Libra. Or rather, you can, but it doesn’t make you an especially strong or resourceful person. Despite your fears and uncertainties, this is an excellent week to stand up on your own two feet. Trust in your instincts and see where they take you, pal.

Oct. 23-Nov. 21
You cannot control the world (oh! and how the world suffers for it!), but you can take ownership of your self. Take stock of your participation in matters with humility, Scorpio. The only way to create the life you want is to be the person you want to be, be damned any pettiness that tries to get in your way.

Nov. 22-Dec. 21
There are no victims or perpetrators, and you, Sir/Madame, are not a martyr. We are all people doing our best; even those who utterly suck are doing their best! Keep your ego out of dynamics this week, and keep your attention trained on accepting others where they’re at. Resist unnecessary power plays.

Dec. 22-Jan. 19
If you stop trying to project into the future or magically change the past you might get more headway in your present, dear Cappy. Your homework this week is to find the pleasure in everything you do, no matter how routine or annoying it may be. Change your attitude to see what else changes, pal.

Jan. 20-Feb. 18
Sometimes the strongest weapon at your disposal is TLC, Aquarius. This week you can fight, analyze or pontificate, but nothing will work as well as compassion. Practice seeing things through a lense of generosity and kindness, whether you’re looking at yourself, your allies, or your enemies.

Feb. 19-March 20
Don’t add to the chaos in your life by being another Negative Nancy this week. If you don’t have something creative to add to the conversation you may need to take a time out until you do. Remember why you care and don’t let your fears stop you from going from participating wholeheartedly. Realign with what motivates you.
Want more in-depth, intuitive or astrological advice from Jessica? Schedule a one-one-one reading that can be done in person or by phone. Visit

Psychic Dream Astrology: October 16-22, 2013



Mercury goes Retrograde on the 21st until November 10th. Expect disturbances so you can handle them more gracefully. 


March 21-April 19

Even if you do the right thing it may feel kinda wrong this week. You’re growing in ways that allow you to behave differently than your habits would have you, and that’s a good thing. The trick is to move mindfully at every step, Aries. There’s no rush, so take your time to do it right the first time.


April 20-May 20

Work towards creating security, Taurus. Reflect on what the perfect balance between your personal, or internal needs, and your professional, or external needs is. You are poised to create foundations that you can build on, so you’d better be sure you’re putting together what you truly want.


May 21-June 21

Don’t make a stab in the dark, Twin Star! No matter how badly you’re itching to make changes, you are way too unclear and reactive to do much good. Get your head together before you try figuring out your life this week. You need a time out before you do some serious damage, pal.


June 22-July 22

Crack open your lesson books, ‘cause this week is all about learnin’, Moonchild. Listen to your most trusted advisors, write in your journal, or talk to your God; just do what you have to do in order to make choices you can live with. You are in a deeply fertile place, so bring clear intention to everything you’re involved in.


July 23-Aug. 22

With a light as bright as yours, you’re bound to cast some shade. This week your greatest strengths can be found in the shadows, so don’t avoid them, Leo. You are capable of innovating a new path for yourself, but first you need to take a step back and spend some time with your inner self, pal.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

You need to make a move, Virgo, just don’t compromise common sense and mindfulness as you boldly strike out this week. This is not the time to sit back and contemplate your navel. Let old, habitual ways of being fall away as you try a little daring on for size.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

The things that disappoint you are also your greatest teachers. Learn from what’s not working in your life! The stuff that doesn’t work for you can help inform a more whole picture of what does. Your problems can be an opportunities for knowing what you’re made of. Rise to the occasion, Libra.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Set your boundaries, Scorpio. Saturn gets what Saturn wants, and right now it wants to teach you how to better take care of yourself and the stuff that’s important to you. Focus on what you want to have more of in your life; that’ll help you see what you have to say no to or put on ice this week.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

If you strike out in reaction to your fears you’re likely to make things more dramatic than they need to be. You may feel stymied this week, but the worst thing you can do is try to fight your way out. Figure out what’re your fears versus real threats before you decide how to handle things, Sag.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

You have to let some stuff go, Capricorn, and that can be rough on it’s own. What’s making matters worse is your lack of clarity around where you’re at and what you want next. Don’t act until you’re ready; strive to feel grounded about what you need before you shake things up this week.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

You can think your situation in circles if you want to, but you’ll be helping no one. This week you gotta put your money where your mouth is. Step forward and act in integrity with what you believe. You may make mistakes, but it’s way better than sitting around wringing your hands.


Feb. 19-March 20

Accept where you’re at, Pisces. Engaging in power struggles won’t work well for you this week. Make peace with the choices you’ve made so you can stop wasting your energies lamenting the past. Reassess your actions and goals in order to get an accurate assessment of your current reality.


Want more in-depth, intuitive or astrological advice from Jessica? Schedule a one-on-one reading that can be done in person or by phone. Visit

Psychic Dream Astrology: September 25-October 1, 2013


March 21-April 19
Just ‘cause it’s an expansion doesn’t mean it’ll feel good. You may need to contend with growing pains this week, but don’t let that deter you. You’re on the road to being a healthier version of yourself; all you need to do is continue making decisions that are right for you, even when they’re not easy.

April 20-May 20
If you focus on your worries then all you’ll get is the product of those fears. This week, you’re being challenged to use the weapons of optimism and faith to combat anxiety. You don’t have to be a Pollyanna to look on the bright side, and having a good attitude never hurt anyone, Taurus.

May 21-June 21
You deserve a life that’s awesome to live, Gemini! Be on the lookout for what makes you happy versus what only makes you comfortable, this week. Invest in a path that not only feels good, but also leaves room for you to grow into the person you want to be. Don’t settle for less than you deserve.

June 22-July 22
The effort required of you by your relationships is totally worth it, Moonchild. The wise amongst you will let their past be a wise teacher of what works for you and what not to do. Even if you have to break a sweat, it’s time to make your life a more authentic representation of what you want it to be this week.

July 23-Aug. 22
This week it’s all about getting in touch with yourself, Leo. Reflect on what’s going your way and share what you appreciate with others. There’s no need to rush forward, because where you’re at is just fine. Not to be a hippy or anything, but your life will be greatly improved if you take the time to just be, man.

Aug. 23-Sept. 22
Don’t try moving things around just yet, Virgo. You’re not grounded enough to improve things by changing them up, so don’t add anything new to your plate this week. Focus on finishing up old business and closing any open accounts; only then will things be clear enough that you can see your next move.

Sept. 23-Oct. 22
You can’t predict the future of what you’ll want or need in your relationships, Libra, but you can be real with where you’re at right here and now. This week is all about being present, despite your fears and trepidations. Lay foundations that you can build upon by being honest and kind, Libra.

Oct. 23-Nov. 21
Love is all around you, Scorpio. How you choose to receive or deflect it is helluv up, though. Instead of remaining in a state of reaction, try deciding for yourself what you feel about who, and take some initiative to bring those relationships to the next level. Be open to opening up this week.

Nov. 22-Dec. 21
It is far more important that you carve out a slice of happy than you do the “right” thing, Sagittarius. There is a meaningful shift happening within your innermost personal life, and if you strive to greet it with open arms you will better be able to co-create the conditions that you can thrive in. Stay present.

Dec. 22-Jan. 19
Don’t confuse the pain of the present with a promise of what you’re future will be. The worst thing you can do this week is jump to conclusions or assume the worst. If you don’t know what’s next, try envisioning something awesome, and then participating as though you can make that vision your reality.

Jan. 20-Feb. 18
Things are changing Aquarius, and you don’t have to do anything to hurry them along. Focus on your intent this week. The more clear you are about what you want for yourself, the easier it will be to make the necessary compromises to get ‘er done. Once you’re aim is true, it’s all “clear eyes, full heart’s can’t loose” from here.

Feb. 19-March 20
The best way to make use of all the creative energies in your life is to share them, Pisces. Love and intimacy are the best channels for success. Feed your relationships and the act of sharing will support you right on back. Kindness and generosity will trump all other strategies this week.
Jessica Lanyadoo has been a Psychic Dreamer for 19 years. Check out her website at to contact her for an astrology or intuitive reading.

Psychic Dream Astrology: September 18 – 24, 2013


Psychic Dream Astrology

Sept. 18-24, 2013


March 21-April 19

You’ve gotta let go, Aries. There’s being strong willed, and then there’s being daft, and you know which side of that fence you wanna be. If things continue to not flow in your present direction maybe it’s time to change course. Let what’s not working in your life point you towards what needs tweaking this week.


April 20-May 20

Growth sometimes comes through struggle and if you shut down every time a crappy thing happens, how will you gain the benefits? Make peace with the demons at your door by accepting that they’re here and requiring your attentions, Taurus. This week you need to keep your head in the game, pal.


May 21-June 21

Let lessons learned in your past guide you in the now. You are poised to have successes culminate in several areas of your life this week, but you need to heed one warning to get the best of what your life has to offer; don’t stop working hard just because things are going well now. Action trumps reaction, Gemini.


June 22-July 22

Acting in intentional ways will get the best results this week. You are on the precipice of major change but the best way to create situations that you’re happy in is by not rushing headlong away from, or towards things. Decide what will make you happy and pursue that, Moonchild.


July 23-Aug. 22

Your point of view is changing, even if your situation is not. This week you may have to change course, Leo, and that may require that you make peace with some newfound perspectives. It is far better to change your mind if that means being true to yourself, than staying consistent if that has become disingenuous.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Patience, prudence, and faith will lead you where you need to go this week. You are both at an ending and smack dab in the middle of a major transition this week. Don’t jump to conclusions, Virgo, because they will not be based on the whole picture. Let things reveal themselves to you and hold your ground in the meantime.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

This week you are likely to find out that you dodged a bullet some time in your recent past. As you look back and see that something you thought was a loss was actually a win, let that inspire you to have greater faith that even the things that look like they suck right now might turn out to be fabulous later.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

True leadership requires assuming responsibility that takes into account the needs of the whole. This week you will be greatly rewarded if you take the time and energy to consider what will bring the most joy and harmony to your life and the lives around you. Happiness trumps winning, Scorpio.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

If you come on too strong you will stir up opposition before you really begin, Sag. Being truly open requires that you are receptive to the feelings and needs of others, even if what’s going on for them doesn’t make sense to you. For best results, stay present and don’t try to fix, corral, or convince this week.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Stay grounded, Capricorn. No matter how upsetting things appear, you do not have all the information you need yet, and you cannot properly assess your options, or even your needs. Nurturance and kindness are the gems that will support you to get in touch with your much-needed inner strength this week.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Freedom is sometimes won by knowing which battles are worth the effort and which are better to concede. Know yourself deeply enough to gauge where there is value in fighting, and what is just your pride (which, BTW, tends to go before a fall). Invest in the adventure and vibrancy of your life and let the other stuff alone for now.


Feb. 19-March 20

It’s a great time to innovate and conjure up new ideas, but it’s not so good to try to implement them, Pisces. You are in a great space for opening yourself up to possibility, but that doesn’t mean that all your ducks are in a row and you’re ready to start the action part of your plans. Hold off this week.

Jessica Lanyadoo has been a Psychic Dreamer for 19 years. Check out her website at to contact her for an astrology or intuitive reading.


Psychic Dream: Sept. 11-16, 2013




March 21-April 19

When you’ve got too much going on its easy to make the mistake of missing important details or adding more to your plate than you can handle. This week may find you needing to draw some much-needed lines in the sand, Aries. Evaluate what you can let go of and what’s essential. Something’s gotta give, pal.


April 20-May 20

You have a reputation for being inflexible, Taurus, but I have faith that when evidence presents itself that the path you’re on isn’t working, you’ll change your course. This week you are poised to prove me right; don’t let yourself be bullied, and don’t cut off your nose to spite your face; change when the situation calls for it.


May 21-June 21

There’s nothing wrong in your world that a good helping of TLC can’t fix. Anxiety and obsessive thinking are no friends to you, Twin Star, but this week you need to put them to sleep with a warm cup of milk. Compassion, patience and kindness will nurture your troubles into a manageable place this week.


June 22-July 22

The time is ripe for taking some risks, Moonchild. Don’t allow your fear of what might come to pass inspire you to avoid trying to start something new. You don’t need to look into the future to decide what’s right for you in the present. Be true to the here and now as your tomorrows develop.


July 23-Aug. 22

Be mindful about how you choose to participate in your relationships this week. There’s a risk that you will get frustrated and stop communicating with others. Pay attention to the themes on repeat in your life, as they point to problems that are all yours. Find a new way of coping with your old problems, Leo.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

If you let yourself get overly concerned with what other people think, then how will you ever figure out your own perspective? Key into your instincts and intuition, Virgo. You may need to separate yourself from others in order to get in touch with yourself, so take some time alone to do just that this week.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

You’re not in control, Libra, and the sooner you get on board with that, the better. This week the Universe is testing your ability to go with the flow, even when the flow is choppy or not going quite where you thought you wanted. Stay positive and you may be pleasantly surprised with what happens next.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Your family is where it’s at this week, Scorpio. Whether your chosen family or your blood family give you the most sustenance and love, you need to reach out to your support network for a much needed reality check. You run the risk of over thinking things and making mountains out of molehills. Get perspective.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Don’t front like everything’s OK when you know it isn’t, Sag. Be all about honest and direct communication this week, even if that means you have unpleasant conversations, or have to admit to having done crappy things. The truth will set you free; don’t avoid what’s real in favor of what would be more pleasant.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Uncertainty is a cruel master, Capricorn. There’s no clear path in front of you so you must forge your own way forward. Get clear about your needs and limits this week so that you can create sturdy foundations for your future happiness and security. There is no value in avoidance, so don’t evade dealing with your reality.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

We’ve all got egos and you need to watch make certain that yours is healthy. Don’t let your desire for safety, success or pleasure drive you towards actions that harm or alienate others, Water Bearer. Even if you really really feel entitled to only thinking of yourself, consider how your actions are affecting others this week.


Feb. 19-March 20

The best part about growing is that you get to expand beyond the reality you know and experience more abundance. The worst part is that you must experience some instability as you deal with all the stuff that you are outgrowing. Don’t let your growing pains derail you this week, ‘cause you’re on the right track.

Jessica Lanyadoo has been a Psychic Dreamer for 19 years. Check out her website at to contact her for an astrology or intuitive reading.


Psychic Dream Astrology: September 4 – 10, 2013


September 4-10, 2013


March 21-April 19

Don’t give up, Aries! If you strive to live up to your own code of ethics then your problems will have a clear strategy embedded in them. Do what you believe to be right, not just for this situation, but in your most elevated value system. Be the person you want to be and don’t devolve into reactions this week.


April 20-May 20

Build foundations that support your material needs, but not at the expense of your feelings. There is no way to be truly effective without incorporating your emotional needs, Taurus. True wisdom encompasses the management of all your parts; when you leave out pieces of yourself they eventually come back demanding attention, pal.


May 21-June 21

Love has a transformative effect on everything. By pouring care, hope and delight into your relationships and circumstances you will see everything flourish. Practice it and see what happens this week. Kindness heals! Just don’t confuse loving kindness with niceties; be authentic, Gem. Compassion heals but BS doesn’t.


June 22-July 22

The key to your success this week is in the hard stuff. You’re in a great place to be actualizing your goals, but as you do, don’t forget that all light casts a shadow. Do not fear your “dark” side; show yourself the compassion you need to integrate it in a healthy way. Seek the purpose in all things, Moonchild.


July 23-Aug. 22

If you move too fast you will create a heap of trouble. Don’t let your enthusiasm push you in over your head this week. Allow your self to feel excited without making any promises based on those feelings, Leo. Let things change without forcing your will on them or rushing them along. Let yourself be surprised as you see where your relationships take you.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Don’t let your worries convince you that things are dire, Virgo. This week you are being called on to make the most delicious lemonade that you can with the lemons you’ve been served. Nothing is set in stone, and you can change them if you stop wasting energy over thinking things. Trust your instincts, but not your fears.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

You may find yourself obsessing on ‘whys’ this week, but there’s no sense in it. Instead of lamenting a past that can’t change, look expectantly towards your future from this very moment, no matter how uncomfortable it may be. Once you get out of your own way you will find that the road before you is not worth dreading, Libra.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

You’re OK, Scorpio. You’ve worked hard to get where you’re at, and you and finally, totally, OK. The trick this week is to not rest in this place. Use it to reflect on what you’re hopes and goals are, or you may turn around sometime in the future and not know how you got where you are. Be intentional.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

If there is a way to trust in your security, you need to find it now, Sagittarius. This week obsessive thinking threatens to turn your world upside down for no good reason. Pay attention to the difference between fear of unpleasant circumstances, and actual problems! Don’t create the things you wish to avoid.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

It’s easy to shine when circumstances are going your way; it’s what you do when the shit hits the fan that matters, though. This week you need to surrender your will. Accept what isn’t working and let it teach you a new way of seeing things. Major change is before you and fighting it will only make things worse.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Don’t add anything new to your to-do list, Aquarius! This week should find you balancing responsibilities and tidying up loose ends. You are in a great position to secure your world, but it won’t happen unless you make it happen. Focus your intentions and follow through with your goals.


Feb. 19-March 20

Its time to let go, Pisces. You can’t control the course of things, and the sooner you make peace with that, the better. Strive to have a healthy ego without being attached to getting your will executed in any particular way. Participate in the reality you’re stuck in, for better or worse this week.

Jessica Lanyadoo has been a Psychic Dreamer for 19 years. Check out her website at to contact her for an astrology or intuitive reading.


Psychic Dream Astrology: August 27 – September 3, 2013


Aug. 28-Sept. 3, 2013


March 21-April 19

When you sit with yourself what do you feel, Aries? This week you could use some serious introspective time to get into the here and now about your actions. If you’re not behaving in a way that supports what you really want, be humble and brave enough to make changes before your circumstances force them on you.


April 20-May 20

No matter how right you are, if you charge in on people or situations and force your will on them it’ll backfire, Taurus. Use power in a responsible and empathetic way or you’ll stir up opposition to your plans this week. Nobody likes to be micromanaged, so try to improve things without controlling them.


May 21-June 21

What’s the rush, Twin Star? If you push yourself too far, too fast, you’ll end up being a puddle of anxieties. You need to know how much you can take on in a healthy way, and then stay within those limits. For best results ask for help when you need it, and don’t make choices when you’re panicking this week.


June 22-July 22

How you behave is of the utmost importance, Moonchild. You need to change, that much is clear, but which parts need to grow and which to shrink? Turn to your most trusted relationships for feedback this week. Trying to figure this stuff out on your own will take too long and be harder than necessary.


July 23-Aug. 22

Things are going exactly as they should be, sweet Leo. You are being challenged on some core levels around how to get what you need in imperfect situations. Things will develop as they are meant to, and in their own time. Instead of dissolving into bad vibes, practice having faith.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

The only way to win is to play, Virgo. This week you should take risks, well calculated and otherwise. You are poised to make meaningful improvements in your life and the only thing that will slow you down is fear and inaction. Improve upon the good and reshape the crappy stuff into something better.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Don’t allow your fear of the unknown turn you away from the abundance in your world. There is so much awesomeness available to you, but you have to be open to receiving it. In order to take the risks required of you to create a rich life, you’ve got to be a vibrant participant in the one you’ve got this week, Libra.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

You are changing, and the best you can do is make certain that you are not taking your bad habits with you. Instead of obsessing on what’s not right, try looking for creative solutions instead. The best way to improve your lot is by investing in a better attitude this week, Scorpio.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

What is your relationship to stability, Sag? When you’ve got it do you feel safe, or do you start to feel trapped? This week is the time to invest in the kinds of stability that support you in feeling free and safe. Create sturdy foundations upon which your future self can make adventures and create joyfulness.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

You’ve been long at work to stabilize your life and you’ve been doing a great job. The worry for you this week is that you will not allow things to develop at their own pace, and get all freaked out that they’re not perfect yet. Cut your losses and confront your fears instead of worriedly projecting them, Capricorn.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

In order to get your room clean, sometimes you’ve got to be willing to let it get messier than it was when you started, Aquarius. The process of improving things often entails a period of chaos that will make you feel like hightailing it back to the Devil you know. Trust in the larger process you’re engaged in this week.


Feb. 19-March 20

The winds of change are coming for you, Pisces. There’s nothing you can or should do to stop things from growing, even if it requires letting something go. Don’t invest in best outcomes this week; instead, focus on being as true to your self and to your word as possible. Don’t make a glorious future; make an authentic present.

Jessica Lanyadoo has been a Psychic Dreamer for 19 years. Check out her website at to contact her for an astrology or intuitive reading.