Psychic Dream Astrology: June 18 – 24, 2014

Pub date June 17, 2014

Mercury is still Retrograde, which means you should go easy on those who screw up your plans.


March 21-April 19

It’s not only OK to be afraid, it’s kind of awesome. There’s nothing worth having that wouldn’t be scary to lose, Aries. Embrace the need for bravery this week, and understand that it’s coming up because you are taking chances that have high personal stakes, and that’s a very good thing.


April 20-May 20

Nurture what you love, but don’t make promises that you’re not 100% positive that you can keep, my friend. You may feel strongly in the moment but let things develop with time. Don’t overcommit now and set yourself up to have to do the painstaking work of dialing back in the coming months.


May 21-June 21

You’ve got to change, but with intention and not all willy-nilly. This is the time to make clear decisions and steadily act them out, even if it kills you. There are always many truths, but this week you need to fixate on the big picture and make sure your actions are supporting what’s true for you on that level.


June 22-July 22

Just because you need to give it up doesn’t mean that it won’t hurt, Cancer. You know what you need to do but your emotions are distracting you and confusing matters. Pain is not always a sign that something is wrong, sometimes it’s just a side effect of caring. Let go of what you know you’ve outgrown, pal.


July 23-Aug. 22

You don’t need (or get) to know how things are going to turn out before you put yourself out there. This is a good time to be clear about your boundaries and needs so you can not only forge ahead, but be emotionally true to yourself and your collaborators as you do. You don’t need perfection this week, just authenticity.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

The only way to get to where you want to be is to go through the long-standing mazes of your outdated and inhibiting patterns. Don’t be scared of history repeating itself, because it’s happening so that you can participate differently this time. Make new and improved choices in the face of old fears, Virgo.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

It’s safe to fall in love, Libra. Well, it’s not exactly safe, it’s actually quite dangerous, but it’s a risk worth taking this week. Pour yourself wholeheartedly into a project or person that you care deeply for. If you’re going to risk failure, do it in the pursuit of something great.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

If you get too fixated on your goals you won’t achieve them in the right way, Scorpio. Be honest with yourself about what’s motivating you and make sure that it’s integrated with your larger plans. Getting there quickly is not as important as getting there ready for what comes next this week.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

The people in your life deserve a little extra TLC this week. Invest more deeply with others whether that means you need to schmooze, call your mother, or tend to your friendships. You need people and they need you, so spread your Sagittarian love around and share your good vibes in a way that feeds everyone.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

You’re going through such big stuff right now so don’t waste your energy by getting caught up in power struggles, even with yourself, Cap. You need to practice the fine art of forgiveness so that you can get out of your own way and let transformation flow through your life. Don’t pick fights you can’t win, my friend.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

There’s no sense in pointing fingers or rehashing the details, Water Bearer, ’cause you’re ready to deal with your situation. Hop into the ring, get involved with the messy complexities of your life. Maintaining your go-to detached attitude will only carry on the disconnection you’re feeling this week.


Feb. 19-March 20

Have a good time but don’t be a Pollyanna, Pisces. There’s some stuff that kind of sucks and is giving you a case of the sads that you’re trying to avoid or wait out. Don’t expect things to change without you changing first. Deal with your troubles before they get worse this week.

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