Find friends, find mentors, find your music

Pub date January 9, 2014

In 2014 everyone should be a player, and Blue Bear School of Music has a class to make it happen! Play guitar: no need to read music, just you and your guitar will do. Sign up now for small group acoustic and electric classes, lead guitar and jam classes or our guitar/ukulele Acoustic Rocksemble. Learn to sing: Blue Bear offers Singing for People Who Can’t Sing plus intermediate/advanced classes in rock, pop and jazz vocals. Write a song: get inspired and fine-tune your skills with our songwriting classes with Peter Case. Join a band: sign up now for our Blue Bear Band Workshops – rock, blues, jazz, roots, contemporary – and in 10 weeks you’ll be playing live onstage in a San Francisco club!

At Blue Bear you’ll find experienced teachers, small class sizes and an inspiring learning environment. All ages and all levels welcome. Winter classes at Fort Mason Center and Lennon Studios (SOMA) start January 13. Save $25 on winter group classes with coupon code SFBG. Find the schedule and more info at