Berlin and Beyond Film Festival begins January 15!

Pub date January 9, 2014

Welcome to the 18th season of the Berlin & Beyond Film Festival in San Francisco! Attend the festival at the legendary Castro Theatre from January 15–19 and at the Goethe-Institut from January 20–21 to celebrate America’s leading annual showcase of recent film productions from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.

Since 1996, Berlin & Beyond has been a gateway for the American public to experience the universal spirit and vision of filmmakers from this global region. Dotted with red carpet premieres, the festival welcomes top films and talents of the year, from major hits, to award winners, to noteworthy discoveries of world cinema’s independent film scenes.

Courage in Motion is this year’s theme, with cinematic stories of overcoming life’s obstacles, moving bravely, embracing hope, connecting minds, finding solutions, and bonding through common humanity. Find out more here.