Psychic Dream Astrology: January 2-8, 2013

Pub date January 2, 2013

January 2-8, 2013


March 21-April 19

When you’re stretched too thin, it’s hard to take full responsibility for everything you’ve committed to. This week you should strive to be accountable to your word; make certain that you are living up to what you’ve promised. Own your limitations as a way to take responsibility for the whole of what you intend to do.


April 20-May 20

Love and kindness make all things in life better and even makes the crappy stuff easier to bear. Don’t let your ego inhibit you from sharing your feelings and needs with others this week, Taurus. You are meant to be undergoing an emotional transformation, make sure it’s a healthy and happy-making shift.


May 21-June 21

Make decisions and stick by them this week, Twin Star. You are in the perfect place to start something new, but it will require some single-mindedness that is not completely organic for you. Know what you want and trust that if you take the proper steps you’ll totally make it happen.


June 22-July 22

You are meant to move through the deep inner workings of your fears this week, Cancer. Don’t let your fears of vulnerability or of being hurt get in the way of developing the relationships you want. Be the person you want to be in the here and now! Don’t wait for your fears to pass, find the courage to act in spite of them.


July 23-Aug. 22

Fretting over the future will do no good in helping you shape it, Leo. Instead of seeing where you are helpless in directing your life, look to what is possible to change within it to make it more awesome. Your personal world is maturing, so you’d better strive to mature along with it. Make sure your goals match your needs, pal.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Follow play, love, and laughter and feel how it changes your life, Virgo. Looking for the light inclines you to actually seeing it, and this week you’ll find it’s all around you, helping you on your way. Use this time of feeling good to improve your life. Set goals and look for creative solutions to the things you’ve been putting off.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

When it’s too much it’s too much, Libra. You need to know when you’ve hit your limit and can no longer be reasonable in your thinking ’cause you’re feeling too burdened and reactive. Slow things down so you can calmly catch up with your feelings instead of trying to rush in and fix things this week.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Your relationships need your care and attention. Distinguish the difference between false friends and true, and kindness versus enabling, Scorpio. Be courageous as you stand up for love, but don’t confuse that for an invitation to needlessly step into power struggles; pick your battles wisely this week.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

We all want things to turn out OK, and we all worry what will happen if it doesn’t. You can’t control the future and what others will or won’t do, Sag, but you can prepare yourself. Cultivate strength enough that you are able to handle whatever comes your way. Have faith in yourself this week.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Make lemonade, Capricorn. Not some sour juice with the seeds all in it, instead make artisan agave and lavender infused lemonade, nectar of the Gods. In other words, don’t just make due with what you’ve got, find a way to get inspired and make fabulous with it. There is opportunity in everything, even bitter fruit.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Where will worry get you, Aquarius? Just harried and scared and to the exact same place you were going anyways. This week you should strive to manage your feelings before you project them onto your circumstances. Just ’cause you feel crappy doesn’t mean that you have to let it drag you and your situations down.


Feb. 19-March 20

Patience, Pisces, patience! You are at the helm of a whole new phase of development and nothing needs to be perfect yet. Let this week be one of gathering tools and setting expectations. If you clarify your approach you’ll get where you wanna be in the right time, even if it’s later than you’d prefer.

Jessica Lanyadoo has been a Psychic Dreamer for 18 years. Check out her website at to contact her for an astrology or intuitive reading.