Win tickets to see The Breakfast Club at the Paramount Theatre

Pub date September 20, 2012

Written and directed by the “father of teen-age drama”, the late John Hughes, The Breakfast Club perfectly captures the angst-ridden environment of high school with its diverse social stereotypes embodied by five students with nothing in common. Forced to spend a Saturday detention together in their high school library, John Bender (Judd Nelson) “The Criminal”; Claire Standish (Molly Ringwald) “The Princess”; Brian Johnson (Anthony Michael Hall) “The Brain”; Andy Clark (Emilio Estévez) “The Athlete”; and Allison Reynolds (Ally Sheedy) “The Basket Case” test and challenge their preconceptions about each other. As cliques collide, new bonds are formed and old labels are discarded. With its relevancy still intact twenty-seven years later, it’s clear that this film has achieved the status of a classic: Teen Angst is alive and well, and it’s never going to go away as long as there are parents, teachers, and teenagers.

On Friday, September 28 at 8pm, enjoy a screening of this classic film, as well as a newsreel, cartoon, previews, Dec-O-Win raffle, and a live Wurlitzer organ serenade! To win a pair of tickets, email your full name to with “Breakfast Club” in the subject. Several lucky winners will get an email confirmation on Thursday, September 27 at noon.