Psychic Dream Astrology: June 27-July 3

Pub date June 26, 2012


March 21-April 19

You need to look at your circumstances for what they are, and be willing to have some potentially unpleasant conversations. Don’t decide what’s right or possible for other people; talk things out, even if it’s scary. Combat your lack of decisiveness by looking at the big picture. The worst thing is the not knowing.


April 20-May 20

You must learn how to trust in your internal compass. You are being challenged to look inward to feel out what’s right for you, Taurus. Other people’s opinions will distract you from figuring out what you think if you aren’t careful, so first get clear with yourself, and then invite in other people’s opinions.


May 21-June 21

Love does not absolve you from needing to deal with the details of your life, but it sure does a good job of improving it, and making your work sweeter. Don’t worry about what comes next! Tend to the things you love most dearly with an open and caring heart this week and the results will be your reward.


June 22-July 22

You’re ready to confront your problems, but your biggest obstacle is yourself. Stop making things worse by obsessing on them! You must relax before anything can get solved, so find the time to clear your head and fortify your spirit. Negative thinking will take you for a long walk on a short pier this week.


July 23-Aug. 22

Write a list of your most fearful expectations with the situations in your life, and then, write a list of the most hopeful potential outcomes alongside it. You must name your fears in order to overcome them, Leo. You have so much support to call on, but first you need to reign in your worried head.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

You are meant to be going through some major stuff, and the less you resist it, the easier it’ll go. Appearances can fool you, Virgo, so beware: some things that have the look of problems are here to expedite change, and others that may look easy are here to block it. Carefully evaluate before you make a move.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Use kindness and compassion as your stealthiest weapon and most soothing salve this week, Libra. You are being indoctrinated in lessons of the heart, and the greatest way to rise to the occasion is with the wisdom that only an empathetic approach can yield. What goes around comes around, pal.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Now is the time for openings, if you’re willing to see things from a new perspective. There is so much promise in your life. Look outside of your black or white thinking to see the whole spectrum of possibilities in front of you, Scorpio! You must change yourself in order to receive what comes next.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Don’t let your fears motivate you! Rely on your inner resources this week, Sag, even though there is so much stress and pressure around you that it’s likely to be infectious. Nobody knows exactly how things will turn out, so make sure to pace yourself carefully through your situations.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

The devil is in the details and he will run you ragged if you let him. This week it is best to trust in the big picture, and to put your creative and pragmatic energies there, Capricorn. If you let yourself get too caught up in the pieces you’ll miss the whole and end up spinning your wheels uselessly.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

The good times are a gift that is easy to misuse. This week you don’t have to do much to have things go along without trouble, but if you are willing to take extra care, you can pave the road to excellence! Practice fearless loving, Aquarius, and share the best of what your heart has to offer with others.


Feb. 19-March 20

You are on your way to a new beginning, Pisces, which is a wonderful thing, given your recent stresses! Allow your self to let go of the past, and practice building new, and brighter expectations. Take great care so as to avoid bringing the crap you’re trying to release into the next phase in front of you.

Jessica Lanyadoo has been a Psychic Dreamer for 18 years. Check out her website at or contact her for an astrology or intuitive reading at (415) 336-8354 or