Psychic Dream Astrology: April 18-24

Pub date April 17, 2012


March 21-April 19

There is no sense in trying to fast forward through your troubles ’cause you need to deal with them in the here and now, pal. Be like a good student this week and focus on the most important bits in front of you, and be as focused as you can. Understanding will come if you work towards it.


April 20-May 20

Mental and emotional attachments can suck because they get you worrying about what you could lose as soon as you get a thing. Strive to enjoy the good in your life without trying to nail it down. Security is invaluable, but what’s it worth if you can’t enjoy it? Be present instead of future this week.


May 21-June 21

Don’t talk around things, as it’d be a waste of the opportunities for improving your life on the whole. Write in a journal if you have to, but get the clearest truths you have hiding in your head outta there and into the world, Gemini. The quickest way to heal your stuff is to feel it; that way you can authentically deal.


June 22-July 22

Being “in limbo” has such terrible connotations to it, but the truth is we all have periods of confusion and uncertainty that ultimately lead us to greater lucidity. Trust that if you don’t know what to think, you shouldn’t push yourself to make decisions until you do. There’s a season for everything, Cancer.


July 23-Aug. 22

Trust your instincts, Leo, even if they tell you to lay low when you wanna run on high. The changes that you are going through are necessary for your big picture happiness, but they may require you to sit with things that kinda suck right now. Don’t resist the hard stuff this week for best results.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Sometimes a decision to keep the peace creates more conflict then confronting the upsetting stuff ever would. If you pretend to yourself and those around you that things are OK when they’re not, you’re likely to have to deal with the fallout of that soon enough. Cope with things honestly this week.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

You are being challenged by the Universe to use your ego for thriving instead of for survival, Libra. No matter your situation, look around yourself to see all of your options. You need to learn that there are always more than two paths, and to entertain them all helps you to forge the course you most dearly want.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

This is a test, the likes of which can make you a more resourceful person. When the going gets tough, look inside yourself to see what happens; whether you want to give up or to duke it out, regard your reactions carefully to see if you can find a different way to handle your feelings, Scorpio.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Addictions are once-was-fun behaviors that have gotten compulsive and out of hand. Take responsibility for all the ways you have allowed yourself to go on autopilot, because if you don’t your circumstances will find a way of getting you to do it anyways! Be intentional in all you do this week, Sagittarius.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

In order to be free of the crap that holds you back, you’ve got to be willing to take risks. This week you are being challenged to trust yourself enough to know the difference between your need for space away from others versus your need for time alone with yourself. invest in your future by way of your present.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

No matter your fears you’ve got to live a life that is true to you, Aquarius. Find new avenues of self expression this week because some of the old ones are busted and worn. This is not the time to go it alone, so let loved ones support you! You’ve got to wade through some old attitudes to get to new ones this week.


Feb. 19-March 20

Start something new this week, Pisces. You have been working hard at clearing out your personal life, and have been met with a great deal of resistance. Now’s your time to start walking your talk and to enact the changes you’ve been struggling towards. 

Jessica Lanyadoo has been a Psychic Dreamer for 17 years. Check out her website at or contact her for an astrology or intuitive reading at (415) 336-8354 or