Black Power now

Pub date March 20, 2012

More than 50 years after the Black Panthers started policing the police in Oakland, where does Black Power stand today? This week’s issue takes a look at the question through music, books, and political thought. 

>>BLACK POWER THEN AND NOW: How political struggle and concepts from the ’60s are animating a new generation. And what does Angela Davis have to say about the movement today?

>>THE LEGACY OF RACISM: Killing the Messenger explores Black Muslim ideology and the cycles of brutality

>>BLACK POWER AND OWS: The two movements have it in them to merge, but it’s going to take some work. An editorial by Davey D Cook

>>IT’S NOT WHAT YOU GET, IT’S WHAT YOU KEEP: BBC journalist gathers black voices for posterity, links them to a civil rights timeline

>>PANTHER CRY: Listen Whitey! A new Bay anthology plays the sounds of black power