Psychic Dream Astrology: March 7-13

Pub date March 6, 2012

Mercury goes retrograde on the 12th. Put off signing contracts and solidifying plans until April 4th when it goes direct again.


March 21-April 19

If you focus too much energy on how you think things should go you will find yourself in a power struggle with stuff that you don’t need to be controlling. Get in touch with yourself and whether you are participating in your life in a way that brings about the results you want. Let others make their own mistakes.


April 20-May 20

Fear is a beast with claws and if you run, it’ll chase you. This week it is far better to face the things that scare you because they will do less damage if you handle them head-on. Cultivate the courage to cope instead of strategies to evade the worst of your feelings and circumstances.


May 21-June 21

Get control of yourself, Gemini. You need to go with the flow of your life instead of against it, and that means you should resist the urge to do things that stand in the way of your own happiness just to satisfy your ego. Practice offering of yourself freely, unhampered by jealousies and self-doubt.


June 22-July 22

Guard against shortsightedness, Moonchild. If you can see things from new perspectives then you are more likely to use your freedom wisely. Make sure you know what you want and are moving towards it, instead of only focusing on what you don’t want and running from it.


July 23-Aug. 22

Sometimes your larger happiness calls for small sacrifices of the heart, Leo. Make sure that you don’t move so fast that you turn mountains into molehills and heartaches into earthquakes. It is vulnerable to go slow with your emotions, but the payoff will totally be worth it in the end.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Not knowing where others are at can incline your imagination to take some pretty steep turns on you, Virgo. Have fun, fall in love, play, and live lightly this week! Better to take the risks to be happy than to stay safe and disconnected. Look for the “yes” in every situation you find yourself in, pal.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

There is what you are capable of, and then what you can do with your poise and grace still intact, and this week you should strive to know the difference between the two. Don’t do all that you can, do all that you can do well! Your self knowledge is being tested, Libra, so take the time to figure yourself out.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

There is no fast track for you this week. You need to know yourself, and that means investing your time and energy in a little place called Scorpio. Don’t figure things out per se, but also stop running from them. Sit with whatever stuff your mind is obsessing on till it runs its course and you can move on.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

You cannot predict the future, and so fretting about it won’t help matters along at all. Your primary task should be to calm your nerves and get emotionally present; it doesn’t matter if it’s fair or not, or who is responsible for what. Create conditions that support you in getting your needs met, Sag.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

You have so much to find out about yourself, Capricorn. Treat everything as a learning opportunity that you can pass, ace or fail, this week. Take responsibility for how you participate in your life as this lays the framework for what you get out of it. Let go of your attachments to what’s holding you down.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

You have major changes to be making, and if you are actively engaged in transformation, then you’re likely to be on the right path this week. Don’t resist the short-term pangs that come with any transition, because the long term freedoms you will win are worth it. Pace yourself, but stay in the race.


Feb. 19-March 20

Your relationships are a work in progress and like all projects, have different stages of development. Tend to the foundations of your connections with others, which means that you may need to reconnect with why you like your peeps and what works between you and them in the now.

Jessica Lanyadoo has been a Psychic Dreamer for 17 years. Check out her website at or contact her for an astrology or intuitive reading at (415) 336-8354 or