Psychic Dream Astrology: November 23-29

Pub date November 22, 2011

Mercury goes retrograde on the 24th until December 14th. Communicate with care, people.


March 21-April 19

Don’t make mountains out of molehills. Make sure the things that are freaking you out are happening now, and that you’re not projecting worst case scenarios onto things. Show courage and integrity in your dealings, as defensive behavior will only put others on the offense.


April 20-May 20

Its time to wrap it up, Taurus. Look to the flow of inevitability your life is enacting and instead of resisting it, go with it. Participate in the things that are most troublesome to you- not so you can fix them, but so that you can better understand what is ending and why.


May 21-June 21

The biggest priority that should be motivating you right now is freedom. You have got to change, and as a result your relationships are likely to need to change, too. Stay open to what your life offers you without running back to what you know, just ’cause it’s familiar.


June 22-July 22

Anxiety can throw you off the scent you’re supposed to be tracking, pal. This week is a major time for developing your relationships to be a better reflection of what you want and need. Don’t psyche yourself out! Be the change you want to see in your familial dealings.


July 23-Aug. 22

Acting boldly and being courageous can look the same, but are quite different. This week, be brave enough to sit with the complexities of what you’re scared of. You’re on the verge of integrating a major shift; it’d be a shame to bring your old bravado with you.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

It’s totally worth it to risk the unknown as you try something new out this week. Don’t think in terms of “right” or “wrong”, just consider your different choices and their different consequences. Choose the path with the price you’re most willing to pay, Virgo.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Just be honest, Libra. Not honest with sugar on top, or honest about these things but not those- be the straight up, direct and clear kind of honest! If you don’t know what you feel or think, just be upfront about that too. Take the risk to tell it true.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Even though Mercury has started it’s Moonwalk through the stars, it’s still an excellent time to put your energy into setting goals and making solid plans to execute them. Forget what you know and try to figure things out anew. The only way to get new results is to act in a new way, and from a new place.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

This is the perfect moment for that unending optimism that your sign is reputed to have to shine through, Sag. Your thinking is dragging you down, so you need to find a way to see the potential inherent in your life’s troubles. If you look for opportunity you may just find it, pal.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Things are going exactly as they are meant to be, Capricorn. Enjoy the good in your life, but don’t overdo it in some mad rush to cram all the goodness that you can get down your gullet at once. There’s more to come! Warn against spoiling yourself with the sweet stuff this week.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Be honest with yourself about what isn’t working anymore in your relationships. Look into the pros and cons of your closest connections to make sure that you’re feeding the best of them and letting go of the rest. Have realistic expectations for best results.


Feb. 19-March 20

Make a list and check it twice, Pisces; not a Santa inspired list, but a boring old To-Do list! You need to stop fretting over your life and get organized instead. Be honest with yourself about what you’re capable of, and focus on one step at a time until you get where you need to be.

Jessica Lanyadoo has been a Psychic Dreamer for 17 years. Check out her website at or contact her for an astrology or intuitive reading at (415) 336-8354 or