Community creates “The People of Burning Man”

Pub date August 24, 2011
SectionPixel Vision

Drawing on support from the larger Burning Man community, San Francisco-based photographer Julian Cash this month released a colorful and engaging new photo book entitled The People of Burning Man: Portraits of Revolutionary Spirits.

The self-published book got a big boost when Black Rock City LLC, which stages Burning Man, this summer used its huge Jack Rabbit Speaks email list to encourage burners to donate to a Kickstarter campaign that Cash used to fund the project.

The response was huge, with 521 people donating a total of $36,830, in the process earning gifts ranging from small tokens of appreciation to signed copies of the book to the four donors of more than $1,000 each who received, “A piece of art from the LARGE ART gallery. Five signed copies of the book. Each book will have custom illustrations along with the names of the people the books will be given to. Your name printed in the book large + other names printed that you chose. A strange mystery gift. The extras from previous levels. Absurdly massive appreciation, love, and the knowledge that this book is forever something you made exist!”

It’s a beautiful book – supported by a great website and committed community – so check it out.