Guardian forum July 28: Immigration, education and youth

Pub date July 27, 2011
WriterTim Redmond
SectionPolitics Blog

The next Guardian Forum on issues in the mayor’s race will take place Thursday, July, when we’ll be talking about immigration, education and youth issues. We’ve got a great panel lined up:

Sherilyn Adams, Larkin Street Youth Services
Angela Chan, Asian Law Caucus
David Campos, Supervisor, District 9
Mario Yedidia, Director, Youth Commission*
Pecolia Manigo, Coleman Advocates

(*for identification only)

It’s at the Bayanihan Community Center, 1010 Mission (at 6th), 6-8 p.m.

(Powell Street BART and MUNI 14, 19, 27, or 31)

As always, plenty of time for audience participation. Hopy you can make it.