Psychic Dream

Pub date July 5, 2011

July 6-12


March 21-April 19

The surest way to create lasting security is by being open this week. A huge amount of potential is trying to express itself in your life, but you have to make sure that your fears aren’t unnecessarily limiting you. Try new ways of doing things and taking risks, Aries.


April 20-May 20

The choices you make will have important consequences for your future this week, Taurus. And make no mistake — you are making choices, no matter what you do. Strive toward balance between what you ideally want and what is practical right now for best results.


May 21-June 21

If you aren’t checking in with your innermost truths, you may feel like a chicken with its head cut off, running aimlessly in circles. Clarify your desires and goals so you can move forward on them. Here’s the key when all else fails: if it doesn’t nurture your heart, it’s not likely to have staying power.


June 22-July 22

If you don’t trust in what you’ve got, you won’t get the pleasure from it that you deserve, Moonchild. Give thanks for the good stuff in your life this week to help you remember what holds you up. Change is coming on quickly and you shouldn’t let feelings of scarcity lead your thinking when it does.


July 23-Aug. 22

You are at the end of a meaningful cycle, Leo, and there is a battle of the bands being fought within you. Part of you wants to look back, and part of you is yearning to rush ahead, but neither side is right. Finesse a mashup that honors both impulses without downgrading either one.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Be nice to yourself, Virgo. The way that you talk to yourself inside your head lays the foundation for how you think, which in turn sets the stage for how you treat others. Be kind — and when you fail to do that, be compassionate. This will help all parts of your life.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Don’t add complications to your relationships right now, Libra. Be emotionally honest with yourself as you slow it down with others. You should not rush into or out of anything, buddy. Improvements are needed, but not at any cost. Make your insides certain, and the rest will fall into place.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Freedom does not mean you can recklessly do whatever you like — it means you choose without compulsions and obligations driving you. Strive toward authentic freedom this week, even if you have to start with letting go just when you want to add something new, Scorpio.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Sometimes things just hurt and the crappy feelings are unexplainable. This week you know exactly why you feel cruddy, and if you don’t pick at it, this wound will heal on it’s own. Let your heart mend without adding distractions to the mix. Find opportunities in your current sorrows, Sagittarius.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

It’s time to use your creative powers to make a quantum leap through your own crap, Capricorn. Instead of keeping your nose to the grindstone, keep your eyes focused upward! You can unify the different elements of your life that are wigging you out with patience and courage this week.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Deal with reality this week, no matter how worrisome it may feel. There’s a fine line between coping with the real and torturing yourself with negative projections — and your job is to avoid the latter. When in doubt, directly address your concerns, and use the KISS method (“keep It simple, stupid”).


Feb. 19-March 20

Find the balance between where you get happiness versus pleasure this week. Make sure you maintain your integrity with the fun you’re pursuing, Pisces, even if that means you have a little less of it. It’s not an either/or situation, but it’s best to pursue good times with honor.

Jessica Lanyadoo has been a psychic dreamer for 17 years. Check out her website at or contact her for an astrology or intuitive reading at (415) 336-8354 or