Psychic Dream Astrology: June 29-July 5

Pub date June 28, 2011

Take your worries as an opportunity to develop new ways of coping with frustrations as they come.



March 21-April 19

There’s an important difference between being careful and being a worrywart. Don’t let your thinking become inspired by your fears as you evaluate your options this week, Aries. Set yourself on a path that is infused with positive visions for your future.


April 20-May 20

Spontaneity should never be undervalued, Taurus. Lay foundations that are tried and true, but don’t forget to inject play, adventure, and passion into them. Security is important — but if you’re not enjoying your life, you will never feel secure enough. Cultivate joyfulness as well.


May 21-June 21

You are undergoing a major push for transformation, Twin Star. Whether that push is coming from your circumstances or your inner compulsions, it’s time for you to heed the call for change. Don’t lament over what was or could have been; create a new you that feels good and true.


June 22-July 22

You are in an excellent place for making improvements that feel great. The problem is change: nobody likes it, it can be anxiety-provoking, and it can make a Cancer freeze. Don’t do it! Instead, take your worries as an opportunity to develop new ways of coping with frustrations as they come.


July 23-Aug. 22

Make your emotional life priority No. 1, Leo. Your innermost world needs a shake-down this week, and the more open you are to feeling whatever is real for you, the better. Trust in your ability to handle whatever comes up as you pursue peace of heart and mind.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Hash it out, Virgo. A passive-aggressive approach will backfire like nobody’s business, so make sure you are direct with the people who are important to you. This week, create the kind of relationships you want by being the best, most direct version of yourself that you know how to be.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Cultivating connections that last requires being able to take the good with the bad. Make sure you aren’t looking for a Pollyanna to partner up with, pal. It can’t always be awesome with the folks you’re close to — be patient enough to weather some relationship storms this week.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

You know that when you feel things, you feel ’em deep, Scorpio. This week, make sure you don’t overload on a good thing, no matter how fabulous it feels. Allow yourself time to revel in the awesomeness in the moment without giving in to your compulsions.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

If you hold yourself too rigidly, you’ll miss out on opportunities. But if you don’t hold yourself tight enough, you’ll waste precious time and energy on crap. Find a balance with healthy boundaries based on clear self-knowledge. If you don’t know what you want, hang back for now.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Your worrying can easily lead to some seriously bad vibes this week, Cap. Practice trusting your intuition instead of looking at things through a magnifying glass. You are poised for a major emotional ah-ha moment, but it involves breaking through your own blockheaded ways.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Watch out for your ego and its machinations, Aquarius. You are near the end some major internal shift and the need to prove yourself to people around you may trump your need to get it right. For best results, go for quality over proof and peace over power this week.


Feb. 19-March 20

Wishful thinking and a positive spin on things won’t change the facts, pal. You want things to be in a place that they simply aren’t and risk deluding yourself. Don’t settle for less than your personal best as you muddle through illusions. Deal with reality versus potential this week.


Jessica Lanyadoo has been a psychic dreamer for 16 years. Check out her website at or contact her for an astrology or intuitive reading at (415) 336-8354 or