The creepy circumcision comics

Pub date June 10, 2011
WriterTim Redmond
SectionPolitics Blog

I’m not the sort to cry racism, or sexism, or anti-thisorthat-ism every time something offends me. There’s stuff that’s intentionally offensive and still funny, stuff that’s unintentionally offensive and harmless and all sorts of other stuff that might be in poor taste but doesn’t rise to the “ism” level. But I have to say: The comics that the anti-circumcision folks are putting out are just creepy.  

The Chron story on this was a classic of its kind, with quotes from both “sides” and an academic interlude. But it all becomes a bit more clear with this comparison of the circumcision comics and some classic graphics from Nazi Germany (thanks to Sen. Mark Leno, who passed these along to me).

I’m not going to claim the authors of the comics were motivated by anti-Semitism; I don’t even know them. But folks, get a clue — this is beyond offensive. Anyone with any sense at all should know better.