What do radicals eat?
Eat and talk politics with fellow revolutionaries at this fundraiser for the International Socialist Organization and its causes — the movement to stop war and occupation, the fight against racism and immigrant scapegoating, and the struggle for the rights of workers, women, and the LGBTQ community.
5:30–7:30 p.m., free with dinner purchase
Sunrise Restaurant
3126 24th St., SF
WikiLeaks and U.S.-Latin American relations
Attorney and best-selling author Eva Golinger speaks about her work uncovering U.S. interventionist policies, including her use of the Freedom of Information Act to prove U.S. funding of various anti-Hugo Chavez groups in Venezuela, as well as their prior knowledge and involvement in the 2004 coup attempt. The WikiLeaks phenomenon has added new dimensions to her latest discoveries, which includes how the U.S. government finances media and youth opposition in Cuba and Venezuela to provoke regime change.
7–9 p.m., free
Mission Cultural Center Theater
2868 Mission, SF
Anti-John Yoo assembly
Gather at the Greek Theater before the Berkeley Law School’s graduation ceremony to inform students, faculty, and parents of the shady past of this current professor and former Bush administration lawyer who initiated the infamous “torture memo” of 2003, justifying the illegal use of torture of suspects held at Guantanamo Bay and secret detention centers round the world. The goal of this peaceful assembly is to inform graduation-goers and pass out orange ribbons for attendees to wear as a silent protest against this accomplice in war crimes.
9–11 a.m., free
UC Berkeley’s Greek Theater
Hearst and Gayley, Berk.
Redistricting workshop
Attend this public hearing and give your input at this once-in-a-decade opportunity to weigh in and make sure that the lines drawn for state Senate, Assembly, and congressional districts fairly represent the people of California. This two-hour workshop, held by the Citizens Redistricting Commission, will provide all the tools and information you need to meaningfully contribute to the dialogue. RSVP appreciated.
1–3 p.m., free
Greenlining Institute
1918 University, Berk.
Facebook: “Mapping Our Future” Redistricting Workshop
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