Psychic Dream Astrology

Pub date May 3, 2011

Understand what’s motivating your fears before you protect yourself from them.

May 4-10



March 21-April 19

Take care of your personal affairs this week, Aries, and do it with careful consideration. Protect your relationships by being present with your own emotional truths and mobilizing from there. When in doubt, avoid extremes.


April 20-May 20

If a relationship isn’t working, you should ask yourself why you do or don’t want to fix it. Make sure you’re investing in people based on who they are to you today instead of what your relationship used to be. Get current with your peeps.


May 21-June 21

If you could make any one thing work out well, what would you choose? Make sure you choose wisely — because this week if you focus on expanding your life in a concentrated area, you will have success!


June 22-July 22

If you deal with frustrations by getting all defensive, you’ll just end up creating more problems than you solve, Cancer. Understand what’s motivating your fears before you protect yourself from them.


July 23-Aug. 22

Your problems are pointing to what needs your full attention this week, so don’t throw in the towel just yet, Leo. Rise to the occasion — even if your best-case scenario is only moderately awesome.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Creative solutions are always available to us, it’s just hard to be open-minded enough to see them. This week make sure you consider all paths — as long as they lead you to a happier place than you’re at now.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Creating external security may be an exercise in futility this week, Libra. Anchor yourself on the insides and develop some of that balance your sign is known for. If you don’t know the answers, don’t push it.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Stay focused on your goals without fixating on how they need to pan out, pal. There are so many ways to get where you want to go — and the important thing is that you get there in a healthy way.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

This week may bring some heavy revelations about your relationship to someone or something that feels essential to you. Figure out what you need to learn from your situation instead of forging stability. Go with the flow this week.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Being overwhelmed and seeing potential problems in everything threatens to undo you this week, Cappy. Pare things down and do away with non-essentials so you can effectively focus on what needs to get done.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

You alone are responsible for how you handle your relationships, Aquarius. This week is a perfect time to clear the air and assert your needs and limits with others. You can have what you want — if you go for it.


Feb. 19-March 20

Do not boldly go where you aren’t yet ready to go just because you are tripping, my fishy friend. Step out in the name of what you want to happen instead of out of fear of what might come next. Only use self-defense if you’ve been attacked. 


Jessica Lanyadoo has been a psychic dreamer for 16 years. Check out her website at or contact her for an astrology or intuitive reading at (415) 336-8354 or