American Idol: Bye, Paul

Pub date April 15, 2011
WriterTim Redmond
SectionPolitics Blog

I finally got one right, and so did America.

Well, I almost got it right — I predicted that Paul, Stefano and Lauren would be in the bottom three, and it turned out to be Paul, Stefano and Haley, but whatever — after last week’s fisaco with Pia, I’m just glad that the 53 million votes went in the right direction.

No offense, Paul, but the rest of the group (except maybe Stefano) is in a different class. And you notice that the judges didn’t cry or express any shock; they all knew this was coming.

And it’s true that the guys this time are overall better than the women, but since the voting started, the loser every week has been female. 

Nice to see Kelly Clarkson back. Rihanna did that thing with the dancers on the floor and the smoke, which has been done so many times it’s become trite, and her new song isn’t anything special. (Not like “What’s My Name,” which at least has the classic lyrics “The square root of 68 is 8 somethin’, right?”).

Next week: Stefano goes home. If only because Haley and Lauren are getting a pass while the gender balance stays out of whack.