Film screening and potluck
Still relevant as ever, Barbara Trent’s Oscar-winning The Panama Deception chronicles the complex relationship between the George H.W. Bush administration and former Panamanian President Manual Noriega, showing how the mainstream media helps in winning the American public’s approval of foreign occupations despite widespread condemnation abroad. A potluck dinner precedes the film.
6:30 p.m.–9:30 p.m., $5 suggested donation
Humanist Hall
390 27th St., Oakl.
(510) 681-8699
Democratize UC Regents
This public forum discusses the underlying corruption and mismanagement within the University of California system. Peter Byrne, investigative reporter and author of The Investors Club: How the University of California Regents Spin Public Money into Private Profit, will show how the regents are lining their own pockets during the state’s financial crisis. Former congressional candidate Cindy Sheehan will also be presenting.
5:45 p.m.–8:45 p.m., free
Napa Valley College
2277 Napa Vallejo Hwy., Napa
(707) 980-6450 Facebook: UC Democracy — Democratize the UC Regents!!
Clean water for Gaza
Help raise money for Berkeley-based Middle East Children’s Alliance, which has given aid and support to the children of Palestine, Iraq, and Lebanon since 1988, and its special Maia Project, which works to supply clean water access to the Gaza Strip. This event, titled “Never Again for Anyone,” features speakers and special guests, including Holocaust survivor Hajo Meyer and Islamic scholar Hatem Bazian.
7 p.m., $10–$15
First Presbyterian Church
2619 Broadway, Oakl.
Drink for queer healthcare
Help raise even more money — it’s more than halfway to its goal — for Lyon Martin Health Services, the only community clinic in California that emphasizes queer women and transgender healthcare, at a fundraiser and party with raffle prizes, friendly faces, and fun. The Lexington will donate 20 percent of beverage sales to the cause, so drink up — responsibly, of course.
7–11 p.m., free with drink purchase
Lexington Club
3464 19th St., SF
People’s tribunal, part one
Attend this “People’s Hearing on Racism and Police Violence” and hear — and possibly share — testimonies of racist law enforcement before a “jury” of lawyers and activists who will then produce summaries to be used as “evidence” to advocate for federal intervention. Day one of this two-day event will feature a keynote speaker, testimonials, and two special sessions focusing on police killings and racial profiling.
9 a.m.–5 p.m., free
Oakland High School
1023 MacArthur, Oakl.
People’s tribunal, part two
Day two of this two-day event (see Saturday, Feb. 19) features a keynote speaker, testimonials, and two special sessions focusing on COINTELPRO and organizing resistance to police violence.
9 a.m.–5 p.m., free
Oakland High School
1023 Macarthur, Oakl.
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