District 10 endorsement madness

Pub date October 18, 2010
WriterTim Redmond
SectionPolitics Blog

Both the Chronicle and Sophie Maxwell have now endorsed Lynette Sweet for supervisor, and I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. But I am: I know the Chron and Maxwell don’t share my politics, but there are plenty of moderate, centrist candidates in D-10 who don’t have the real problems Lynette Sweet carries with her. The Chron’s a newspaper, sometimes a champion of open government; the folks there don’t care that Sweet seems to ignore the disclosure requirements that come with her current job on the BART Board?  Even when the Chron reported that she never disclosed the $120,000 she was paid by HMS Associates, a lobbying firm that represents many of the most powerful interests in the city? (Oh, and HMS Principal Marcia Smolens is one of Sweet’s top campaign donors.)

You’d think that would matter, particularly when there are alternatives. Apparently not.