September 17
Mercury is still retrograde!
March 21-April 19
There’s no good reason to avoid matters of the heart, ’cause they’re gonna getcha one way or another. Acknowledge the true state of affairs in your relationships, even if that means letting go. Sad is better than fake.
April 20-May 20
When you don’t know what you want, you’re still responsible for you.. Now is not the time to shirk accountability. Support the parts of your life you are sure of as you investigate the questions that plague you.
May 21-June 21
Beat Mercury retrograde with this strategy … don’t overthink and under-communicate. Minimize fearful expectations by focusing on the big picture and setting smaller goals that will bring you slowly closer to your aim.
June 22-July 22
You are not in perfect control. You can only try your hardest to understand what’s going on in your life and handle it with the most open and pure intentions you can muster. Support instead of manage this week.
July 23-Aug. 22
Be willing to tear sh*t up and make some noise, Leo! Now is not the time to be a wallflower. Start shaking things up, because some radical changes are just what the doctor ordered.
Aug. 23-Sept. 22
In a strange twist of fate, this last week of Mercury retrograde that is moonwalking in your sign is a great one for you to step up and communicate your little heart out. Break down the truth, whatever the cost.
Sept. 23-Oct. 22
You have come to the end of a cycle, and there’s no way you can keep doing the same old thing without hitting the same old wall. Put your creative cap on and do something different, even if just an experiment.
Oct. 23-Nov. 21
There’s a fine line between fighting for what’s yours and being a jerk. Whether your style is passive or aggro, this isn’t the time to mince words. Do what you need to do for you as sensitively and directly as you can.
Nov. 22-Dec. 21
The best way to stay focused this week is to go to a little place called me. Invest in some quality alone time with yourself so you can reconnect with your insides. It’ll allow you to support yourself on a deeper level.
Dec. 22-Jan. 19
This is a momentous time for giving the old heave-ho to crap your hella attached to. Be very patient and act in concert with your environment. Make sure your choices and investments still represent you.
Jan. 20-Feb. 18
Take it down a notch and notice where you are. Rushing toward or away from things all the time is tiring, and is burning you out. It may make you feel more vulnerable, but slow down and be here now.
Feb. 19-March 20
It’s not exactly that you’re confused, it’s that you’re undecided about which things to focus on. Take time to realign with your priorities and your path will clear from there.
Jessica Lanyadoo has been a Psychic Dreamer for 16 years. Check out her website at or contact her for an astrology or intuitive reading at (415) 336-8354 or