Community policing in the Haight

Pub date February 3, 2010
SectionPolitics Blog

By Tim Redmond

There’s lots of commentary on my latest post on the proposed sit-lie law. In one of his numerous comments, Arthur Evans argues that

We, the residents, also believe that a sit-lie law would help make things uncomfortable for the thugs.

It’s always tricky to say that “we, the residents” of the Haight, or any other neighborhood, are in unanimous agreement about anything. In fact, the Haight Ashbury Neighborhood Council recently adopted a statement on policing in the neighborhood that doesn’t call for a sit-lie law at all. Here’s the relevant part:


What happens on Haight Street rarely stays on Haight Street, and oftentimes doesn’t even start on Haight Street.

The need is for constant, predictable, visible and persistent patrols on Haight Street, Page Street and Waller Street from Stanyan to Baker. Additionally, the Panhandle must be viewed as an integral part of the policing of Haight Street as the two are linked by both residents and visitors. Foot patrols should be maximized on Haight Street while regular bicycle patrols should be the primary means used in the Panhandle. Regular car patrols can be used to supplement foot patrols for Page and Waller streets.

Care should be taken by the SFPD to pay particular attention to the area around Park Station itself, especially the area around the intersection of Haight and Stanyan, as it is a heavily used pedestrian, transit and automobile corridor with major retailers – McDonald’s, Amoeba and the proposed Whole Foods – joining the Alvord Lake, Children Playground, and Golden Gate Park pedestrian entrance creating a complex mix of tourist, visitor, shopper and resident users. Community attempts to smooth out these complex interactions through more police presence and various traffic calming proposals should be supported by Park Station.

The entire statement is after the jump. HANC will be holding a community meeting on the issue Feb. 11.\\