North Poon Kinny Ridge

Pub date January 5, 2010
WriterGary Hanauer

Rating: C

A small, sandy beach, mixed with rocks, and cool, deep water make North Poon Kinny a nice stop on your canoe ride along the river, especially if you have an urge to swim and sunbathe while wearing nothing more than your birthday suit.


Legal status:



How to find it:

Follow directions to Dos Rios. The Eel River hole is about one to two hours north of Poon Kinny Ridge by canoe.

The beach:

The skinny on Kinny is that there’s not much sand here. The water is fairly shallow this year.

The crowd:

Even fewer people than at Dos Rios and Poon Kinny Ridge.



Unknown legal status; directions need improving; trash; proximity to train tracks.