Goldies Extra: Veronica De Jesus scores

Pub date November 4, 2009
SectionPixel Vision

By Brandon Bussolini

Veronica De Jesus, It’s a Battle, pen and marker on watercolor paper, 9″ x 12″, 2008

Sports and business figure heavily in the drawings of Veronica De Jesus. Her art doesn’t have the broad shoulders or spectacles of an ex-jock like Matthew Barney, but the biggest pieces in De Jesus’ recent solo show at Michael Rosenthal, “Do The Waive,” were of sports players, and smaller drawings incorporate hand-drawn, hurt-looking corporate logos. Awkwardly caught mid-evasion, the extra leg on the football player captured in Breadwinner is a happy accident that makes the drawing equal parts action shot and portrait. San Francisco artist Colter Jacobsen shares De Jesus’ attraction to drawing and memory, though the two have very distinct styles. When I ask him via e-mail what he takes away from his friend’s art, he replies that in De Jesus’s work, “there is really no erasure to a mark, even a mess-up, all the lines are additive.”

Veronica De Jesus, Breadwinner, watercolor, ink, conte on paper, 72″ x 36″, 2008