By Ben Richardson
Saviours. Photo by Magda Wosinka
Scott Batiste of Saviours is in a unique position regarding the band’s transforming sound. Unusually for a drummer, he is also the band’s primary songwriter, hammering out riffs despite his limited chops with a pick. Though previous albums were crafted on a bass, this year’s Accelerated Living (Kemado) was written on guitar. “I got a shitty Flying-V copy and it just became my muse,” he says. “I was playing guitar so much, just unemployed, sitting at home and playing guitar all day. Everything just came out faster, and tougher.”
Saviours, “Livin’ in the Void”
Once the rough riffs are completed, guitarist Austin Barber takes over, acting as a sort of musical translator. The close understanding between the two is palpable in person, but bears its ripest fruit in the practice space. As Batiste admits, “A lot of the guitar playing I do isn’t really decipherable [to the rest of the band].”