Why the Campos legislation matters

Pub date November 2, 2009
WriterTim Redmond
SectionPolitics Blog

By Tim Redmond

The mayor doesn’t like the Campos sanctuary legislation, and won’t even debate Campos over it (chickenshit; no wonder he couldn’t get elected governor).

So here’s what the mayor doesn’t want to talk about: Kids who are doing nothing wrong — good kids, San Francisco kids going to high school and getting good grades — winding up hauled off the streets and shipped to out-of-town detention centers for possible deportation.

in mid-september, an 18 year old client of mine, let’s call him carlos, went missing for two days. he was waiting for his uncle at a bus stop on 9th and market where a witness told his uncle that the police took him away. his family called the police to locate him, but could not find him. finally, carlos called his family and told them he was in an ICE detention center in arizona. apparently, an undercover police officer tackled him from behind and started asking him questions in english. he didn’t understand and this seemed to upset the police officer more. carlos said the officer hit him, put him in a police car, and took him to 850 bryant. he didn’t get a phone call until he was in arizona.

Thanks to MissionMission for that story. I can tell you, there are many, many more like it in San Francisco.