Meister: Justice at last for air traffic controllers

Pub date October 3, 2009
SectionBruce Blog

Obama’s FAA rescinded the onerous and dangerous work rules imposed by Reagan and Bush appointees and signed a new agreement that went into effect Oct. l.

By Dick Meister

(Dick Meister, formerly labor editor of the SF Chronicle and KQED-TV’s Newsroom, has covered labor, politics and other matters for a half-century)

The long struggle of the nation¹s air traffic controllers for decent treatment appears to be finally over ­­ the struggle that began in 1981, when President Reagan fired 11,000 controllers for striking and which resumed full force during George Bush¹s presidency.

The controllers aren¹t the only ones involved. Millions of airline passengers and employees and many fliers who pilot their own aircraft have faced serious threats to their safety because of what was done by the Bush
appointees who ran the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).