Free Roman Polanski!

Pub date October 2, 2009
SectionPixel Vision

By Steven T. Jones
Like most American journalists, I reacted to the news of director Roman Polanski’s recent arrest by assuming he was finally getting what was coming to him. After all, I’m the father of two teenaged daughters and he pleaded guilty to having sex with a 13-year-old girl in 1977, entering into a plea deal to get more serious charges of rape and drugging his victim dropped, and then fleeing the country on the eve of his sentencing hearing.

But then yesterday I finally watched the HBO Films documentary “Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired” – which Netflix is featuring and allowing its customers to watch instantly online – and my opinion of the case changed completely. While Polanski did commit a crime, he has more than adequately been punished for what he did in a case where attorneys for the defense, prosecution, and victim all agree that both the judge in the case and the media behaved reprehensibly and in clear violation of basic fairness and Polanski’s rights.

Watch the film, search your heart, and then join me in saying: Free Roman Polanski!