Call Nancy Pelosi; fair hearing for single-payer

Pub date August 5, 2009
WriterTim Redmond
SectionPolitics Blog

By Tim Redmond

Everybody knows the Democratic leadership has cut its deal, and single-payer health-care reform is off the table. But at least it will get a floor vote. And there’s still a chance for a major breakthrough in the debate: The House Dems could direct the Congressional Budget Office to prepare and release a comparative analysis of the cost of single-payer vs. the cost of all the other proposals.

So far, that isn’t happening, but Rep. Nancy Pelosi — who, as it turns out, represents San Francisco, although you wouldn’t always know it — could change that. Give her office a call and ask for a full CBO analysis of single payer.

District Office: 556-4862
DC Office: (202) 225-4965

I’d say calls are more effective right now than emails, but here’s an email link.