“American Idol” interview series: Scott MacIntyre

Pub date July 15, 2009

Louis Peitzman interviews the latest crop of Idols. Read his interview with Anoop Desai here.

San Francisco Bay Guardian: I’ve decided to ask all of you the same first question, because it seems important. Are you getting enough rest?

Well-rested Scott MacIntyre.

Scott MacIntyre: I think so. I don’t know what [Anoop Desai] said, but I think I’m doing OK. It’s a little weird because there’s a tendency to stay up a little later or sleep in a little later, because sometimes we don’t actually get to the venues — actually, we never get to the venues until about 1:00, 1:30 in the afternoon. So it’s easy to kind of fall into a different sleep pattern. But I think I’m doing OK so far. We’ll see after the 53 shows. We’ve only done four.