“American Idol” interview series: Allison Iraheta

Pub date July 15, 2009

Louis Peitzman interviews the latest crop of Idols. Read his interview with Scott MacIntyre here and his interview with Anoop Desai here.

SFBG: So I’ve asked everyone so far this is the opening question: Are you getting enough rest on tour?
Allison Iraheta: Enough?

SFBG: Yes.
AI: Yes. Obviously yes, because I’m still standing, but if it wasn’t enough, I’d probably be passed out on the floor right there. Just about. It’s enough to just get back on my feet and do it again tomorrow.

Allison Iraheta: born in 1992.

SFBG: Is touring different from what you imagined it would be, or is it pretty much what you expected?
AI: It is what I imagined it to be. I mean, I talked to Archie [David Archuleta], Jordin [Sparks], and Dave [Cook]. They pretty much prepared me. Because I was like, “How was the tour?” And they were like, “It’s the best part.” I remember Michael Johns also telling me and David Cook that — they prepared me. Because I really didn’t know. It’s my first time being on tour. So it is really what they told me. And so far it’s so much fun.