The cops and the carpetbaggers

Pub date June 17, 2009
WriterTim Redmond
SectionPolitics Blog

By Tim Redmond

The Chron’s Marisa Lagos got a nice little snipe in at the bombastic leader of the San Francisco Police Officers Association, Gary Delagnes, who was blasting the supervisors for asking cops and firefighters to share some of the financial burden of the budget deficit.

Police Officers Association President Gary Delagnes went even further, specifically attacking Avalos, the board’s budget committee chair.

“I’m sick and tired of carpetbaggers coming into this city and making decisions about how we live our lives and how we’re protected,” said Delagnes, who now lives in Novato. “I grew up here, I care about this city. It’s about time these idiots over here start caring about this city.”

What the fuck right does Delagnes, who doesn’t live in the city, doesn’t pay property taxes in the city, doesn’t even get to vote here, have to complain about Avalos (who has lived here for years and been an active part of the community)?

The truth is, a lot of the cops who whine about the supervisors don’t live here. They’re off in the suburbs, where there aren’t as many homeless people, poor people, people who need city services … and that’s the attitude these carpetbagger cops bring to City Hall.