Adam’s the real winner

Pub date May 21, 2009
WriterTim Redmond

By Tim Redmond

Now that everyone with any sense knows Adam Lambert was screwed and the wrong guy won American Idol, let me suggest why Kris Allen might be the real loser here and Lambert shouldn’t feel so bad.

First of all, we all know why Allen won. As Kevin Lynch writes in the Examiner:

Kris is practically a poster boy for heterosexual, white-bread Christianity, while Adam is an in-your-face Jewish gay man.

Kris is Ken-doll cute (my seven-year-old daughter adores him) and safe and a goodam youth minister or something. Truth is, he’s as boring as dozens of other musicians and has nothing special to offer.

Besides, he’s stuck for at least the next year with the American Idol franchise. He’s kind of like Miss America — he can’t do anything wild or fun or unusual (I’m sure that’s in the contract). Simon Fuller holds a tight grip on his franchise, and a fair chunk of the money that Allen makes over the next year will go back to 19 Entertainment and the Idol operation.

Lambert can do whatever the fuck he wants at this point. He’ll be making a lot more money, having a lot more fun and walking away with all the marbles. He’ll even get laid whenever he wants, without the fear of God and Simon Fuller.

Congrats, Adam — you’re the real winner here.