Nite Trax: Jamie Jones

Pub date May 12, 2009

By Marke B., who thinks very highly of his ears, if not his latest dance moves. But he’ll keep trying. View the previous Nite Trax here.

There are currently three Jamie Joneses in the music world. Two of them are kind of cute — but I’d never ever listen to them again. As fate would usually have it, the REALLY cute one is the one who’s turning me out lately, and has just produced what may well be the summer 09 jam, if I was lame enough to predict such things. Ladies and gentlemen and ladies, the only Jamie Jones that counts:

But I’m really only interested in his music.

The song is “You!” — an eight-plus minute slice of loveliness, what I would perhaps call subtle tech-soul, that blends a couple grin-worthy retro effects with some serious mixing-board control (loving the dribble-dabs of tinkling percussion). Everything falls into the right place and climbs above genre-tiredness into a burnished place all its own.