Layoffs at the San Francisco Chronicle

Pub date May 7, 2009
SectionPolitics Blog

By Steven T. Jones

Hearst dropped the hammer on the San Francisco Chronicle this morning, laying off 20 people in the newsroom, including award-winning veteran writers Susan Sward and Jane Kay. SFist was the first up with a fairly complete list, which our sources at the Chron has confirmed is accurate.

The layoffs follow voluntary buyouts that dozens of Chron employees took, including political writer John Wildermuth. Most of the terminations, both the layoffs and buyouts, go into effect at the end of the month. Although Chron employees knew this was coming, it was still tough blow to morale at the paper.

An employee meeting to discuss the news has been set for 4:30 pm. We’ll have more on this story as it develops.