Sonic Reducer Overage: Brit, Devendra, Japanther, Fleet Foxes, and more

Pub date April 8, 2009

Brooklyn cheer: Japanther’s “Challenge.”

“Rising above the smoke and debris” – yes, we can. More to do, see, and hear…

Undebateable: Eef Barzelay’s “I Love the Unknown.”

Clem Snide
Hungry Bird (429), the latest release by the Boston-born band, almost succeeded in killing Clem Snide. Yet Eef Barzelay carries forth – sweet Snide ‘tude in hand – alongside Brendan Fitzpatrick and Ben Martin. With the Heligoats and Pepi Ginsberg. Wed/8, 9 p.m., $10-$12. Bottom of the Hill, 1233 17th St., SF. (415) 621-4455.

Love X Nowhere
Immaculate shoegaze and anthemic pop stream from the SF fivesome’s new self-released High Score Blackout. With Headlights and the Love Language. Thurs/9, 9 p.m., $10. Bottom of the Hill, 1233 17th St., SF. (415) 621-4455.