Bruce Willis honored at Sonoma International Film Festival

Pub date April 8, 2009
SectionPixel Vision

By Juliette Tang


The 12th Annual Sonoma International Film Festival, a festival celebrating “the best in food, wine, art and music,” ended weekend with a big tribute and party in honor of Bruce Willis, an inexplicable choice in every sense except that he happens to be good friends with the Festival’s executive director, Kevin McNeely. Personally, I’ve never been not the biggest Bruce Willis fan, though I thought his performances in The Sixth Sense and Twelve Monkeys were understated and effective. Bruce is not just an actor in the cut-and-dry sense, but an uber-celebrity. His movies regularly make billions of dollars worldwide, and he is the 7th highest grossing actor of all time. Even though I’m not the type of person to watch action movies, I’ve seen every single Die Hard, either at friend’s houses, or on an airplane somewhere, or just because it was a Saturday and I was tuned onto TNT – it’s one of those movies that, chances are, you will somehow see even if you don’t try to see it, just by merit of being alive. And despite (or maybe, because of) the baldness-induced machismo and the faint but perceptible odor of sleaze he emits, some women really like him. How? Why?

Perhaps Bruce Willis’ special brand of je ne sais quoi is due to his beautiful singing voice? Check out some great vintage Bruce, after the jump.