Justices engaged with the issue

Pub date March 5, 2009
SectionPolitics Blog

Steven T. Jones on the Prop 8 case

Attorney Shannon Minter had just started arguing that Prop. 8 violated equal protection provisions of the state constitution when Chief Justice Ron George cut him off with questions and arguments, and the hearing has been going like that ever since, with lots of rapid fire back and forth between judges and attorneys.

“Clearly, they are deeply engaged and the read the briefs. Shannon just got one sentence out,” Attorney Kate Kendall with the National Center for Lesbian Rights told me at the group’s watch party in the basement of the main library.
Newsom confers with Kendall.
Mayor Gavin Newsom showed up, and was called by Kendall to be recognized by the crowd “whether you like it or not,” but he didn’t have much to say this time. He watched the proceedings as George summarized arguments from pro-same-sex marriage intervenors as, “it is just too easy to amend the Constitution.”

Kendall said it’s tough to read the tea leaves just yet. Deputy City Attorney Terry Stewart is up now and arguing passionately. The infamous attorney Ken Starr (booed earlier by the crowd) is up soon.