Noise Pop: Memory spied – Sholi’s Paym Bavafa on Googoosh, recording, and more

Pub date February 28, 2009

sholi band sml.jpg
Shining through: Sholi. Photo by Peter Ellenby.

More musings from a href=””>Sholi‘s thoughtful vocalist-guitarist Payam Bavafa. For the first part of this interview, go here. Sholi performs Saturday, Feb. 28, at Bottom of the Hill, as part of Noise Pop ’09.

SFBG: How did Sholi come together?

Payam Bavafa: We went into the studio with Greg Saunier in 2006. Then we took the record home and deconstructed the recordings and redid a lot of the recordings and recorded in a lot of different spots and apartments and various home setups. [Greg would] poke his head in every now and then to just give advice and help out on mixing. It was kind of a long labor of love.