Latest “Death of Fun” casualty: Bay to Breakers

Pub date February 11, 2009
SectionPolitics Blog

b2b nude.jpg
Photo by NileGuide

By Steven T. Jones

The Chronicle reports that the sponsors of Bay to Breakers — which have been under pressure from city officials (and the Chronicle) to crackdown on partying at the event — have banned alcohol and unauthorized floats at the popular, 97-year-old event. What the hell is happening to this town?!?!
As we’ve reported (over and over and over and over and over again), the very events that make San Francisco such a fun and dynamic place to live are under attack by party-poopers, nervous nellies, and the forces of intolerance and conservatism, people whose goal (as our friends at the SF Party Party like to say) is the “suburbanization of San Francisco.”
Already, there are movements forming to boycott Bay to Breakers and/or engage in some creative and alcohol-fueled civil disobedience. Hmm, maybe this is going to be a fun B2B after all.

Photo by Atrayu