Tartufi signs to Southern, closes out 2008 at the Eagle

Pub date December 5, 2008

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This in from the good folks of Bay Area band Tartufi:

Tartufi signs to Southern Records!!!!

“After months of searching for just the right home for their new album, Lynne and Brian a saw a light on in the far off cabin at Southern Records. A kind maiden at Southern welcomed them in, sat them beside the hearth, and fed them delicious English soup and beer. Well worn from their travels the two musicians listened intently as the label maiden told them tales of battles fought, won, and lost in the kingdom of Indierocklandia. Her eyes were true and her words sure. Their amulet – the one the wizard of the glenn gave them to reveil trickery – confirmed that she was pure of heart. She invited them to stay. They accepted, and and together Lynne and Brian placed the only copy of Nests of Waves and Wire on the great oak table. This is where our story begins…