Race and Prop 8: What’s next? Plus: Transgender Remembrance Day

Pub date November 18, 2008
WriterMarke B.
SectionPolitics Blog

The fight against Prop 8 continues — and here’s some touching and empowering video of fierce comedian Wanda Sykes stepping up to the lesbian plate in LA last weekend (via Ta-Nahesi Coates):

(Not in attendance: Prince)

And the somewhat-exhausting dialogue about what role race played in the passage of Prop 8 also continues (um, see funny black dyke above) — and there’s sure to be some intelligent voices included at the below forum on this Wednesday (11/19) at the LGBT Center, sponsored by StopAIDS.


Prop 8 and Race: What’s Next
A community forum
Wed/19, 7pm-9pm
SF LGBT Community Center
1800 Market, SF

Also, just a reminder: Thursday November 20 is Transgender Day of Remembrance, commemorating our transgender brothers and sisters who’ve lost their lives to live their lives — a surprising number of which are non-white. There will be a rally with community speakers followed by a march through the Tenderloin to City Hall this Thursday evening:

Transgender Remembrance rally and march
11/20, 6pm-8pm, free
Beginning at the TRANS:THRIVE offices
815 Hyde Street, 2nd Floor, SF

Plus, the fabulous LGBT synagogue Congregation Shaar Zahev will be holding a special Transgender Remembrance Shabbat at 7:30pm in Friday, November 21. (You don’t have to be Jewish to attend, trust me.)

If you can’t make it, at least light a mental candle for these recently passed-on TG warriors.